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310. Facility

309. The PDA

308. Compound

307. Electric Clan

306. Secrets

305. Allies

304. Distant

303. Zayne

302. Fresh Air

301. Clan Orgy

300. Call Out

299. Pregnancy

298. Fucking

297. Fingering

296. Testing

295. Clan Hall

294. Next Stop

293. Reports

292. Coalition

291. Inferno

We Found Tommy

avatar on 2023-06-14 21:28:23

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That was amazing. "You really are a hero, you know that! We can find Tommy now!" 02 looked at me and smirked. "I don't know about all that. It's nice being appreciated though. You can keep going." he said. "02, you are the most resilient cyborg I know. You never accept your limits. I saw you bravely enter the room with those symbiotes even when you did not have too. You never complained too much about what happened after either. We worked together to cure you. Now you are a full member of our clan and doing whatever is needed to help out. I honestly respect you a lot and value you as a friend." I told him. He just looked at me with his mouth open in shock. He then nervously scratched his cheek. "So that is why you kept me around all this time. I guess that you never really know what a human like you is thinking." he said with a dismissive chuckle. I looked at him seriously. "We've already been over this 02. We are friends, so you don't have to worry about you bothering me or me thinking less of you if you need something. You are amazing." Zayne pat him on the back. "He likes it."

Light teasing aside, I let 02 focus on the task at hand. It only took him a minute to get everything that he needed from the PDA. He returned it to the PEA unit. "I know where those government agents are hiding Tommy." he said to the rest of us. Coincidentally, the facility that Tommy and the Toxic AEP were being held in was Light City in a android research laboratory. It was a very large metropolitan city in the center of the map with several smaller towns and suburbs being subsumed into it. In the big downtown area of the city proper, the facility stood tall. Now that we knew where it was, we would have to infiltrate it. There was no way that any of the cyborgs would be able to get near it. The facility was state of the art and heavily secured. Luckily for PBJ Clan and the cyborgs of the continent, we had human personnel. I would get my guild set on it. It would take lots of time, but we had a goal to accomplish now. Once we did research we could send the human members out to scope it out. Maybe we could find a weakness to exploit. Or maybe we could hack in and find something to help us.

Storming the castle blind was not a really good idea. We would need something good if we wanted to succeed. Something that they would never be able to figure out or counter even if they wanted to. That all could wait for a bit. First, I had to get the ball rolling by starting the process. I called Syrios. He answered the phone and said "Yes sir. What do you want Brianne? It's 2 in the morning." I was not paying attention to something as trivial as the time. "Sorry. Finish resting. First thing you guys at the guild do in the morning is start research on the android research facility in Light City. That's were they have Tommy." "Don't baby me! Of course I'm already up. I'm gaming right now!" he snapped. I rolled my eyes. "Well if you don't need rest, go over to the guild building and start working. The PEP units just need to plug themselves in every few hours, so I know you'll have some company." I told him. "All of a sudden, I am extremely sleepy." he said sheepishly. "That's what I thought. Thanks for working on this. A huge bonus is coming to the first to find anything good. Get the others up to speed."

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