Cassitney begins talking to her brother, and soon she hears him say "Totally Cassie!"
but nothing happens. "That is so weird," Cassitney says.
"Cass, someone's inside my head...something is whitong, I can'tney thitney like me, Whitney? Whitney quit me, whitney?! Whitney Whitney, quit me, Whitney." Her former brother begins to chant, and then his entire body begins to warp from the legs up, warping into Whitney at alarming speed.
"They must have used my conduit!" She says. "no...stop you couldn't!"
Whitmily duck faced and began moving towards her. "You are so hot."
"No, stop we can't-" She stammered unable to back away anymore.
"Whitney must." Whitmily said as their lips touched and Cassie succeeded in only breaking her sanity completely, as her remaining mentality and portion of the hive mind dissolved into more Whitney.
Meanwhile back at the game store...