Cassie tried to march towards the Whitney's, and then she heard it. "Whitney, quit me, be me, Whitney Whitney, be me, Whitney!"
A second voice joined it from around the corner as Whitney Whitney walked into view. "Whitney, best to be, Whitney, better be, Whitney..."
She couldn't even focus on her phrase, as the other two servers walked over, and Alitney Whitney walked out from behind her. "No, Itney, notney! ahhh, totalitney Whitney Casitney!"
She couldn't focus, she was going to lose herself.
"Give up, you're the worst server, and you'll make a much more Whitney server as Whitney. And that's coming from the Whit-smical Whitney!" She said, turning around and slapping her butt in her yoga pants, "plus you totes get this hot ass."
Whitney Whitney leaned over and make a duck face. "Oh come now, you want me, Whitney, and you want to be me, Whitney!" She says, pressing her breasts together in her cyan blue top.
"No I don'tney wantney to becomney Whitney, I whitney to whitney whit whit whit whit whhhhhh." She protested before her lips became stuck in the wh shape, becoming a duckface as she is pulled towards Whitney, her jeans tightening against her ass as her panties became a shiny cyan thong.
Cassie's shirt warped into the half uniform top, half Whitney blouse combo that the others now wore, her bra now outlined against the fabric.
as her lips were drawn closer and she needed to feel Whitney, her hair began to dye all black, and then shrink.
She hated the old her, Whitney was so much better.
And Cassie vanished below Whitney Waves.
Whitney broke off the kiss and smirked with her duck lips as she surveyed her work, Cassitney.
Cassitney said, "Oh, I am Totes Whitney'd," Cassies original phrase corrupted now by Whitney.