one of the amazons fell over and was blasted in her miniskirt behind reaching for her last Amazon ally as her legs became various neon socks and then the socks all were vacuumed onto his cock, one by one until they slowly were absorbed, and then her head was lifted up and impaled and screamed as it morphed into a knee high black sock as her ponytail widened and became its empty tip, which he slid onto himself and jacked off into.
"This fucking shit is amazing!" He said as he thrust into the former Nicole sock.
He turned to the last Amazon and his eyes glowed as she opened her mouth and dropped to her knees and then her hands, lifting her ass into the air as he came up behind her and fucked her.
The Amazon began to change reverting back into a normal teen Nicole but her eyes were now glowing red as she rubbed her shorts, which now hid a cock like his as she said "I must absorb Nicole's so you can absorb me and become more powerful." She said before licking his cock clean and feeling her hunger grow.
"Ah this will do it!" Brittany said.