Genie looked on with a bit of intrigue as Josephine heard their Master's wish. She looked on as Josephine's eyes went wide, and Genie remembered the feeling that was going through Josephine's mind. The shock, the compulsion to obey, and the tiniest bit of curiosity. She looked between the other wishgranter and Rachel and Genie noted the way they seemed made for each other. Joseph, the few times Genie had seen him, had a sense of fashion about him, between his nice clothes and well groomed hair. Rachel had the same sense of casual fashion, as well, wearing as she was a floral dress and jacket, coupled with sheer black hose and short, trendy boots. Luscious brown hair and golden dangly earrings rolled down her head. But what enthralled Genie the most was Rachel's gorgeous blue-gray eyes.
And that's when Genie concocted her plan. If she could get Joseph and Rachel back together, convince them they were the best thing for each other, they might be grateful enough to free her.
But then Genie realized something; Rachel didn't indicate which Genie she was wishing on, and so as Genie heard her Master's wish, she felt compelled to obey it, as well. And that her one wish was going to count twice.
"I wish . . ."