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Anonymous51's profile

Member since 2016-11-22 05:15:30

Recent Comments

Brainwashing Text Message (BWTM): Test One Successful!2016-11-22The Drafting Board6
Magic Lamp: Looking Like a Genie Caused Her to BE a Genie2016-11-22The Drafting Board46
BWTM: Lucy, Not Alice2016-11-22The Drafting Board8
The Orb: The Ultimate Wish-Granter2016-11-22The Drafting Board4
Reality Tuner: John's Going to School2016-11-22The Drafting Board8
Genie's New Life: No More Lamp, But the Story Continues2016-11-22The Drafting Board56
Wish Orb: Melissas Doppelganger is Melissas Copy2016-11-22The Drafting Board37
A Magic Purple Gem2016-11-22The Drafting Board4
Wish Imp: The Otherworld2016-11-22The Drafting Board25
Wish Orb: A Young Girl2016-11-22The Drafting Board14
Reality Tuner2016-11-22The Drafting Board3
Inverter: Car Seat Mix-Up2016-11-22The Drafting Board11
Magic Lamp: John in the Lamp2016-11-22The Drafting Board6
Magic Lamp: Rachel's Perfect Life?2016-11-22The Drafting Board54
Magic Lamp: Prove That You're a Real Genie2016-11-22The Drafting Board34
Wish Orb: The Slutmaker 60002016-11-22The Drafting Board28
Magic Lamp: Genie is Finally Free, Sort Of2016-11-22The Drafting Board35
Wish Orb: Sarah Wishes Away Her Crutch2016-11-22The Drafting Board22
Magic Lamp: Promises of Freedom2016-11-22The Drafting Board10
Wish Imp: The Imp Has to Leave Suddenly2016-11-22The Drafting Board19
Magic Lamp: Olivia Gets Five Wishes2016-11-22The Drafting Board16
The Selfie App: Mental Copy2016-11-22The Drafting Board4
Magic Lamp: Joseph Regrets Not Being a Woman Longer2016-11-22The Drafting Board40
Magic Lamp: Five Wishes?2016-11-22The Drafting Board8
Reality Tuner: Physical But Not Mental2016-11-22The Drafting Board6
Wish Orb: The Prudemaker 60002016-11-22The Drafting Board28
Wish Orb - PM6000: The Orb Goes Somewhere Else2016-11-22The Drafting Board32
Inverter: Alexis' Phone Becomes Kimberly's Phone2016-11-22The Drafting Board7
Magic Lamp: In the Distant Future2016-11-22The Drafting Board39
Reality Tuner: Mr. Middleton Uses the Device on John2016-11-22The Drafting Board6
Magic Lamp: It Didn't Work2016-11-22The Drafting Board49
Wish Orb: A Criminal2016-11-22The Drafting Board16
Sexbot: Two Helmets - His and Hers2016-11-22The Drafting Board4
Reality Tuner: Mr. Middleton and His Husband2016-11-22The Drafting Board5
Magic Purple Gem: Subconscious Wish Granter2016-11-22The Drafting Board5
BWTM: Menage a trois, Anyone?2016-11-22The Drafting Board10
No Longer the Office Flirt, Apparently2016-11-22The Drafting Board8
Wish Orb: Cassandra to Cassie2016-11-22The Drafting Board6
Wish Orb: Making Friends2016-11-22The Drafting Board10
Wish Orb: Conflicting Relationships2016-11-22The Drafting Board12
Magic Lamp: Joseph Dell is the Next Master2016-11-22The Drafting Board39
Girlifying Remote: Not Exactly What He Had Planned2016-11-22The Drafting Board4
Girlifying Remote: The Masculating Remote2016-11-22The Drafting Board9
Reality Tuner: No Reverse Option2016-11-22The Drafting Board6
Femininity Wish Gem: Back to Normal?2016-11-22The Drafting Board9
Wish Orb: Risque Lingerie2016-11-22The Drafting Board26
Wish Orb: Reverse That Last One2016-11-22The Drafting Board18
BWTM: Lucy and Alice Don't Want Distractions2016-11-22The Drafting Board13
Wish Orb: Jeff Becomes Melissas Doppelganger2016-11-22The Drafting Board35
Femininity Wish Gem: Billy Wishes There Were Girls There2016-11-22The Drafting Board6
Wish Orb: Melissas Doppelganger is a Melissa From Another Reality2016-11-22The Drafting Board37
Bimboficator Lipstick: Male Bimbos Are Called Himbos2016-11-22The Drafting Board6
Reality Tuner: Now Two at a Time2016-11-22The Drafting Board4
Wish Orb - PM6000: The Shop Owner Panics2016-11-22The Drafting Board30
Wish Imp: Getting the Cops Involved2016-11-22The Drafting Board19
Genie's New Life: Punish or Enlighten Her Homophobic Neighbor?2016-11-22The Drafting Board57
Wish Orb - SM6000: Kidnapped By the Protesters2016-11-22The Drafting Board34
Magic Lamp: Olivia Speaks2016-11-22The Drafting Board25
Genie's New Life: Margaret Slowly Turns Pro-Gay2016-11-22The Drafting Board58
Magic Lamp: Josephine Believes She's Supposed to Be a Genie2016-11-22The Drafting Board47
Wish Orb: It Worked!2016-11-22The Drafting Board7
Wish Orb - SM6000: John Spots the Orb2016-11-22The Drafting Board32
Girlifying and Masculating Remotes: The Newest Remote is Gone!2016-11-22The Drafting Board10
Wish Orb - SM6000: Sarah Needs to Make a Decision2016-11-22The Drafting Board30
Magic Lamp: Claire Gets a Mental Tweak2016-11-22The Drafting Board18
Reality Tuner: Wives Get in the Way of Success?2016-11-22The Drafting Board7
Magic Lamp: John Becomes the Genie2016-11-22The Drafting Board4
Reality Tuner: John's Blunder at the Coffee Shop2016-11-22The Drafting Board10
Wish Orb: The Wish He Shouldve Made2016-11-22The Drafting Board20
Magic Lamp: Introducing a New Character2016-11-22The Drafting Board32
Wish Orb: Melissas Doppelganger IS Melissa2016-11-22The Drafting Board36
Brainwashing Text Message: The Woman He Couldn't Get2016-11-22The Drafting Board4
Magic Lamp: Genie Can Grant Her Own Wishes, But Only in Her Lamp2016-11-22The Drafting Board45
Wish Orb: A Second Wish2016-11-22The Drafting Board9
Magic Lamp: Claire is NOT a Nice Person2016-11-22The Drafting Board11
BWTM: Discovering True Love?2016-11-22The Drafting Board12
Wish Imp: Joni Snaps Out of It2016-11-22The Drafting Board21
Magic Lamp: Genie Spills the Beans2016-11-22The Drafting Board20
Magic Lamp: Claire Makes Her Final Wish2016-11-22The Drafting Board23
Magic Lamp: Genie Can't Remember Her Past Life2016-11-22The Drafting Board27
Magic Lamp: Evil is Evil2016-11-22The Drafting Board30
Magic Lamp: Can't Cheat Your Way Out2016-11-22The Drafting Board36
Magic Lamp: Rachel, Joseph's Ex-Girlfriend2016-11-22The Drafting Board51
Magic Lamp: Genie Finally Gets Her Freedom, But Not Really the Way She Expected2016-11-22The Drafting Board55
Magic Lamp: Josephine Loses Her Train of Thought2016-11-22The Drafting Board52
Genie's New Life: Margaret's Daughter Comes Home2016-11-22The Drafting Board59
Wish Orb: Just a Little Snag2016-11-22The Drafting Board24
Magic Lamp: Scratch That ... Josephine IS a Genie After All2016-11-22The Drafting Board43
Magic Lamp: Not a Genie2016-11-22The Drafting Board42
Magic Lamp: Claire Becomes the (Current) Woman of the House2016-11-22The Drafting Board14

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