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237. Problem

236. Flying

235. Planning

234. Erosion Clan

233. Resentment

232. Return

231. Water Clan

230. Revenge

229. Hacking

228. Prowess

227. Attack

226. Punches

225. Fucking

224. Pitstop

223. Bounty

222. Examine

221. Magnetic Mission

220. Their AEPs

219. Magnetic Clan

218. Grudges

Struggle at the Airport

avatar on 2023-05-06 13:58:08

222 hits, 6 views, 2 upvotes.

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Paul was probably fine as long as he kept his wits about him. We had to go back after still not finding him. When we finished where we started, Paul was waiting for us. I sighed in relief. Chasing after him was not something I wanted to waste time on. "There is a lot of crazy mutant animals." he said. I nodded my head. "We were attacked a whole lot too. This is a pretty nasty place." I remarked looking around. As we spoke there was another mutated animal walking around. It saw us and instantly went hostile to us. We sniped it from 17 yards. A bullet right between the eyes. "We'll have plenty of extermination missions for the PEA units to complete." 02907 said. That was probably for the best. Even with the airfield, there was no point if they would get killed by the hostile wildlife here. Paul agreed with the cyborg. "You just have to give them some nice weapons and they will be able to handle them easily." he said. I hoped that was the case. "I called them in already. All we need to do is use the flares to get them to see where we are here." Paul said. He handed each of us an orange flare gun.

I was ready to use it. Flares always looked so cool when used in a show or movie. Paul had his radio out. They would be getting everything over to the hangar so it could get packed up an flown here. It was about an hour later when we got a transmission from Brett. There was constant gunfire. "We have a huge problem over here at the airport!" he said. It certainly did not sound good. "What the fuck happened!?" Paul snapped. "It was those fucking mall cops we knocked out! I guess they reported us when they woke up. The security came just as we were loading the X-frames from the moving truck. They saw it and raised an alarm. Now the fucking army is here. It's a fucking firefight over here. I groaned out loud. "Just get the X-frames and the AEP units on the plane. We have one of the six of them here now. He and the female pilot can lead. Fly over here." I said into the radio. This was not totally fucked up. With a single male-female pair of X-frames, they could rebuild their numbers. "Will do." Brett answered. He was a Devil. I knew he could handle this mess. It would still take some time.

We could hear as Brett gave the order to prioritize loading the cargo onto the plane. Brett yelled "07289! Get in the cockpit! You have to fly this shit home! I will cover you all. Just go!" Brett had guns as well as magic on his side to do that. Several explosions were heard as things blew up in the vicinity of the radio. It took half an hour to load of all the X-frames into the cargo plane. The PEA and AEP units were helping Brett fight with suppressive fire. It was only when the large plane was ready to go and everything was secure that they got inside. "We're in! We just need to blast through the runway. I have to take out the big guns for this." he said to us "Good luck." Paul said. "Close the hatch! I'm going to lead them off of you. You have to go when I punch the hole for you! Get on the runway and take off." he yelled out loud. There was even more fighting and explosions. After 10 minutes in one of the hangars, Brett got back to us. "They took off. I am going to set off an EMP so the radio's dying. I'll make it back to Dwan Town from here on my own." he reported. There was then a pop and static.

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