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236. Flying

235. Planning

234. Erosion Clan

233. Resentment

232. Return

231. Water Clan

230. Revenge

229. Hacking

228. Prowess

227. Attack

226. Punches

225. Fucking

224. Pitstop

223. Bounty

222. Examine

221. Magnetic Mission

220. Their AEPs

219. Magnetic Clan

218. Grudges

217. Random

Making a Way

avatar on 2023-05-06 13:57:21

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So far, so good. "What do we do now? There's no plane." the male PEP unit asked. "Are we going to hijack one!? I do not think that's going to work. I'm pretty sure they all are sealed up airtight." the female added nervously. I turned to them and said "Can you guys go outside and keep an eye out? We have a plan, but we can't let anyone interfere." They nodded and started walking the perimeter. Once they were out of range to see us, we ran in, and Brett spawned a Beechcraft G36 Bonanza. It was a nice 6-seater and it was custom. It was a peanut butter brown with red and purple accents to represent jelly. When they came back to the front, they were amazed to see the plane here. The PEP units narrowed their eyes. "This is not possible. I would have perceived a plane coming into the hangar." he said. I just shrugged. "Well, it's here now. Can you actually fly it?" Paul asked him. The PEP unit just sucked his teeth at us. "I've downloaded enough data to pilot." he said. Just then, some airport security guards rolled up in their cruisers. They saw the incapacitated staff on the ground.

Very suspicious. One of the men asked "What happened here? There were reports of passed out people here." We told them that they passed out due to the heat. "We have to take off soon. Can you take care of them?" Paul asked. They looked from us to the staff and back. "We'll call for an ambulance." one of them said. We moved forward to the plane. The male PEP unit got in the pilot's seat and Paul and I got in the back. I looked at Brett before boarding. "Remember the plan. The big cargo plane when we give you the signal." I said. He just nodded. "I got it. I got it." he waved off. 02907 got on the radio and talked to the tower. They were able to get us out on the runway in under an hour. We were buckled in and taxied down to the runway. After making the final checks we were ready to take off. It was my first time on a plane. It felt exhilarating to take off. We were then in the air. We could look out the windows and could see that there seemed to be monsters and a large whirlpool in the sea. All of it was pretty scary. Even from several thousands of feet in the air. I found it transfixing.

I did not want to fight those things. It looked too daunting. It took several hours to get over there. There was no landing strip. I was ready for a rough landing. Luckily for us, there was a large open field 100 miles west of the ranch Erosion Clan owned on the outskirts of Spark Town. "Brace yourselves. This will be a bumpy landing." the cyborg warned. I did brace as it jumped and jolted. It damaged the landing gear. Other than some slight bruising, we were all fine. We got out of the plane and were on the island. I clapped my hands to get everyone's attention. "There are three of us, so we can't split up evenly. 02907 and I will go towards the ranch." I said. I pointed to the trees in the distance and added "Paul, you can look over there. Maybe you can find something good for us to set something up." He nodded and left to explore. I turned to the cyborg and gave him a sniper rifle that shot that shot toxic rounds, a handgun shooting poison rounds and a large ammo pack. His eyes went wide. "This is better gear than the ones our leader uses. I can't believe it." he said as he cherished them.

We then walked towards the ranch together. We would be attacked by hostile creatures and several very mutated animals during the walk. The two of us were more than equipped to handle it. It took us a couple hours before we got to town. The ranch was empty as everyone was busy at our clan building. The safehouse was still staffed by PEP units. We got them to give us a truck to get out there. It would be good to go back and forth with the cargo easier. Once we made sure it was gassed up, he drove us back to the open field. The plane was here, but there was no sign of Paul. We called for him and got no response. We drove to the tress he went towards. That seemed like the best bet. We saw a large airfield with two hangars and two run ways that crossed about two thirds of the way down on the dirty strip that ran adjacent to the hangars. 02907 was shocked. "This is impossible! If it was here, we would have seen it from the air! he said. I shrugged my shoulders. I had to play dumb. "Maybe we all just missed it? Or maybe it has a way to hide itself from the air?" I proposed to him.

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