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17. Lunchtime Talks

16. Lunchtime

15. Sarah's turn

14. Jon's New Friends

13. Musical Chairs

12. Jon regroups, rethinks.

11. English Class

10. Meeting Up With Karyn

9. It's a Tramp Stamp

8. Jon's next class is English

7. That's his bra

6. After Class

5. Gym Class

4. Jon's new underwear

3. Everything Appears Normal

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

Slowly Swapping: Lunchtime Talks

on 2018-02-19 08:13:22
Episode last modified by TheScienceWizard on 2018-02-19 17:26:47

5838 hits, 331 views, 0 upvotes.

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Jon still tried his hardest to grasp the whole situation that was occuring.

He absent-mindedly ate his burger while the other girls were busy continuing their talk about everything they talked about during class. "You would think that these topics had some finite amount of stuff you can talk about. Apparently not.", Jon thought and looked over to where Karyn was sitting.

Besides Karyn sat Tiffany, dressed in Jons red shirt and was eating a salad while talking to who she thought was her best friend. Jon sighed heavily and took another bite from his burger.

"What's the matter, Jonny?", asked Melissa concerned. "You like said your date went wonderful? What could possibly bother you?"

"It's er- nothing. Just a bit tired and er- bored from school and stuff. Nothing to worry about", he answered and used his fork to eat more from his salad. His eyes went wide and he nearly chocked to death when he noticed what happened. He looked over to Tiffany and as expected she was now eating his burger!

"We even trade something as temporary as a meal?!", he thought suprised. "Or no... Wait..."

He looked at the burger and tried to imagine eating it. But he could not. Why should he eat something like that? It would make him fat!

"Great... I now have Tiffanys eating habits as it seems..."

"We should go to the mall after practice. A shopping spree would be the best to cheer Jon up, ain't I right girls?", suggested Erica and the other girls nodded in agreement.

"Practice?", Jon asked surprised.

"Cheerleader practice, duh. I mean, okay you are not on the squad, but how could you forget something this imporant? You really are not yourself today, Jonny", said Melissa and finished her own salad.

"So, I'm not on the cheerleader squad... The question is how long till I'll be...", he thought saddened and then stutter in reply: "Uh, right. Yeah, I'm still er- you know, after the date and stuff."

"Oh, so there were more juicy details you have left out", grinned Erica. "Come on, I wanna know!"

"No, it's not like that. It's just... er... I... I think I've got to go the bathroom", he stuttered, got up and left the table, leaving his salad unfinished.

"Wait up", said Melissa and went after him. "I have to got as well"

"Great...", he thought depressed as he went alongside Melissa to the bathrooms. "I seriously have no time for myself with these girls around..."

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