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13. It's Zoe

12. But First...

11. Salt of Desire

10. Karyn Can't Find the Stone, So

9. Jon Gives Karyn Some Space

8. Karyn Decides to Steal the Sto

7. Cheerleading

6. Karyn Looks At Sarah

5. Karyn Eats The Hot Dog

4. Karyn

3. Love Potion

2. Gimme more... More! MORE!

1. You Are What You Wish

Zoe Becomes what Karyn Desires

avatar on 2018-02-17 10:33:40

2116 hits, 131 views, 1 upvotes.

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Karyn stumbled half a step backwards and looked up.

"The hell are you doing here?" Karyn immediately recognized Zoe Gibson, Jon's goth sister, and the very familiar look of anger that would have been plastered on her face even if she hadn't gotten bumped into.

But that look of anger didn't last long. In an instant, it was framed by gently-waving blonde locks. The black makeup that covered it was replaced with rosier counterparts. Below it, the spiked leather choker became a thin silver chain with a heart pendant, and below that black lace bleached into sturdy white cotton.

A tattered black skirt became a much shorter pristine white one. Stacked boots became canvas sneakers. The girl in front of Karyn grew up, grew out, and grew into an exact likeness of Sarah McMillan, in full cheerleader regalia.

And then, for only an instant, that familiar look of anger became a knowing smirk. An instant. For a world-stopping moment in time, Zoe Gibson's lips looked nothing like Karyn had ever seen them. Not because they had changed to look like Sarah McMillan's, but because they were smiling.

And then that instant was over, and Zoe's lips were no longer smiling. Because they were locked tight upon Karyn's.

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