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196. Defense

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194. Meeting

193. Implants

192. Rescue

191. Deviant

190. Broken

189. The Cost

188. The Changes

187. Forcing It

186. The Meeting

185. True Friends

184. A Set Up

183. Fleeing

182. 2 Symbiotes

181. Guild Eggs

180. Cold AEPs

179. AEP Missions

178. Management

177. Self-Destructive

Retrieving the Organs

avatar on 5/2/2023 8:34:48 AM UTC

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Now that I had the AEP organs in my hand, they both looked at me expectantly. I looked back at them. 03 frowned at me. I frowned back. "We gave you our organs. You have to tell us where 02 is." I nodded. I was not going to leave them hanging on this massive deal. Who knew what the consequences could be for them. I said "We have taken 02 in as part of PBJ Clan. He's in our clan building right now." They both looked shocked. "You let a corrupted deviant in your base? Your clan too!? That's totally insane!" 01 snapped. I sighed. "You have to let us see him." 03 said. "Why though!? Do you want to kill him or something?" I asked. They both scowled, but kept silent. It seemed that they were being strangely defiant all of a sudden. That answered my question well enough. "We are allies. You can't kill him even if you wanted to. It would cause too many problems for all of us." I let them know. 03 walked up to me. "Hey. Have sex with me." he said. I flinched back in shock. "Stop that. You know I don't want to treat you like that." I scolded him. "It's all worth it if I can complete my mission." 03 said.

01 also walked up to me. "What do you want now?" I asked. "It's not like it's your first time messing around with AEP units. Just let us do the work." he said as he nuzzled against me. I rolled my eyes. From the way they were smirking, they were just playing with me. Everything was already on the table. They knew I was not going to kill them. I really did like them. They also knew that I was the only one they could ask to get access to a clan building that was not their own. If I gave in, they would storm in and 02 would be killed outright. He was in his room with no energy to even stand up. We did put him a room that only humans could get into. That would be the final line of defense for 02. I steeled myself and pushed them back. They frowned. "I told you where he is. The deal is complete. You are free to hang out at the Red Grind if you don't want to go home so soon. I am sorry, but you'll have to go back and report the failure to your leader." Neither of them looked too happy about that. That was not my problem though. It was theirs. I left the alley and went to the clan building. They followed.

I got to the employee lounge and frowned at them. "I am not letting you in the clan building." I said firmly. 01 smirked at me. "You don't have to." he said. 03 just nodded in agreement. It was not funny anymore. Clearly, they were going to try to rush at me as soon as I opened the elevator. I sighed deeply. "If you try to get in the elevator, I am going to sic all of my clanmates on you and kick you out." I informed them. They just looked at the locked door to the elevator behind me. I took out my keys and they both rushed at me at full speed. I hopped back in alarm and kicked 01 away before punching 03 with my free hand. I was caught a bit off balance. I did not expect them to try and steal the key from me. Not much time had passed since I kicked their ass the last time. The skirmish was over after a few minutes. One of the paladins came over and asked what was going on. I looked at him and said "Nothing is going on. It seems that we have a couple of troublemakers here. I will take them out." He looked at the downed AEP units and sighed. "I wouldn't mind some nice action here too." he said.

That might be true, but it would not work out well for him. They would not stand a chance against any of the AEP units. I picked up 01 and 03 and dragged them outside despite their protests. I was not listening to them. I was done with them. Once we were on the street, I dumped them and wiped off my hands. "There. You guys can think about how silly it is to mess with us." I said before turning back to go inside. I took the elevator down and then looked around. I did not see anyone of importance, so I went straight to the lowest level to talk to 02. He was right where we had left him. 02 did not have the energy to even shift his body into a new position. "I got the new organs for you. Isn't that good." He just blankly looked at me. I rubbed my head in embarrassment. "Wait here just a bit longer. I'll get something for you." I went up to the big Energy lab and got one of the cubes. I brought it to his room and placed it down. I then turned it on for him. Warm yellow light pulsed from it. It lasted 10 seconds as it was the minor one. I did not want him to be too mobile. 02 was soon able to sit and stand.

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