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195. Fighting

194. Meeting

193. Implants

192. Rescue

191. Deviant

190. Broken

189. The Cost

188. The Changes

187. Forcing It

186. The Meeting

185. True Friends

184. A Set Up

183. Fleeing

182. 2 Symbiotes

181. Guild Eggs

180. Cold AEPs

179. AEP Missions

178. Management

177. Self-Destructive

176. A Breeder

Ulterior Motives

avatar on 2023-05-02 04:31:58

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I stopped and kept my hands to myself. "It's nice to see you after all the craziness that went down at the gym." I said to 01. He nodded and said "Yeah. It looks like your faction is making really dangerous things." That was kind of true. I then looked at 03. "You did not tell me that you were bringing 01 along. I thought it was going to be just you and me today." I said probingly. He played dumb and gave me a smile. "Oh? Is that a problem? We both want to play." I shook my head. "Of course not. What do you want to do today?" 01 frowned and said "No. I am not your friend. You're going to tell us where to find 02." So that is why he was here. "I can exchange that information for something of equal value." 03 looked at me in surprise. "You're going to tell us where 02 is? No tricking us with silly human games?" he questioned. I nodded my head. "I promise. If you give me what I want, I will tell you where he is." I confirmed. "What do you want?" 03 asked. I gave them both a smile. "All I want is your impact and sonic organs." 03 balked at that. "I can't give you that! Name something else." he said.

Looking at 01, I said "01 has a sonic organ. If he give his to me, you only need to give me the impact organ. It shouldn't be too tough on you to replace it with some spare nanites." 01 looked at 03. "We don't need to play with him right now. We have a mission to accomplish. Let's fight him for the information!" he said. 03 nodded his head and they both went hostile to me. I sighed and ran down the block to a dark and secluded alleyway. I did not want someone to intervene in our fight. "Stop running! You can't get away from us!" 01 shouted. I stopped once we got to the end of the alley. There was a large brick wall. "There. Now you have to fight us. You can give up now if you want." 03 smirked. I just rolled my eyes. They were not ready for this. I went over to them and proceeded to kick both of their asses. Without magic, they simply just could not keep up with me. Once I finished beating them within an inch of their lives, I sighed and said "Can we get back to business now? You already know I don't want to kill you guys." 03 just pounded the ground with his enhanced fists. "Why can't we win!"

They were upset that they had to accept defeat at the hands of a human. Again. "What do you even want our organs for!? Humans can't use them unless fully connected to our nanites." 01 whined. "Then it doesn't matter if you give them to me then." I said with a smile on my face. 03 groaned out loud as he grabbed his left wrist with his right hand. He grunted in pain as he sunk into the synthetic flesh created by the nanites and ripped the organ out. It left a gruesome hole. Nothing could phase me after 02's corrupted sockets, but this would be pretty gross to a normal person. New nanites flooded the area to seal up the large wound. 03 then did the same thing with his other arm. It was then that he tossed them at me. He was really upset from the loss. I looked at 01. "Are you going to contribute, or is 03 going to do this all alone? It was your idea to fight me in the first place." I asked. He glared at me for a moment. I thought he was going to refuse when he pressed a hand to his chest and grunted. A big speaker box was slowly pulled out of his chest cavity. He held it out for me to take. I did so.

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