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27. Tempers and Turnabout

26. Turnabout is fairplay

25. The Grudge

24. The Bet Resolved

23. Zoe's Temper

22. The Morning as Zoe

21. The Next Morning

20. The Start of Karyn's Adventure

19. Player Three Has Joined

18. New Normal

17. After the Stone

16. Home at Last

15. Out with the old Friends

14. A New Old Friend

13. Sporty Goth

12. Swapped Everything!

11. The Next Battles in the Long W

10. Out of His Element, PE

9. 'Somber' Musings

8. A friendly Tease

Bet On It: Tempers and Turnabout

avatar on 2023-05-01 02:05:02
Episode last modified by Perri on 2023-05-01 13:02:47

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"Ok, fine." Zoe began. "Let's bet. If I win I change back into myself."

"Sure thing, Zoe." Mina retorted.

"My original self." Zoe clarified.

"Not a problem." Mina granted.

"My real self." Zoe insisted.

"Of course." Mina agreed,

"Would you stop that?!" Zoe shouted.

Mina shrugged. "Stop what, agreeing with you?"

"You know what I mean." Zoe snapped.

Mina just smiled smugly.

Karyn finally interjected. "Ok, you two, that's enough. Zoe, you got your revenge, now let it go, give Jon a way back."

"Thank you." Zoe sighed.

"Oh don't thank me yet. I'm still mad at you." Karyn spat at Zoe.

"About what!"

"How about not telling me your whole bet power was because of a wish!"

"Things happened a little fast that morning. Sorry I didn't immediately think to tell you." Zoe shouted in return.

"I wonder if Jon's temper was this short." Mina mused.

Both Karyn and Zoe cut their eyes at her, but it was Karyn who spoke first. "Too far."

Mina glared at Karyn "He changed you with that wish too, you know, it's just more subtle."

"And I'm still me, just like you're still you." Karyn retorted. "What about your mom? Or everyone else who had some subtle change in their lives because of the wish you just made?" Karyn threw up her hands. "You two are taking this whole magical business way too seriously. Relax. Have fun. Everyone can win."

Mina's cheeks flushed as Karyn spoke, then threatened Karyn. "Fine! If that's how you feel, I wish you were originally a nerd, and only like this because of a bet!" The stone flashed.

Zoe's eyes went wide, but Karyn simply crossed her arms, and gripped Mina with a unimpressed glare. "Oh no." She said flatly. "I'm going to have an existential crisis and ruin my brothers life now."

Mina's cheeks flushed as she got even angrier. "You don't get to judge me, not after Zoe changed who I was!"

"You mean like you just did to me twice?" Karyn stated, her expression unchanging, but cheeks flushing red. "How much of my life did you change when you turned my best friend into a fat goth." Zoe protested, but Karyn continued. "Or, are you extra super special where you can do the exact same thing you're judging us for? It was an accident. Jon was just trying to have fun, just like anyone would."

Mina rose to her feet, anger in her eyes, hand gripping the stone, but Karyn didn't relent. "You two are so lucky with all this magical stuff, but you can't get over yourselves to actually have some fun with..."

The stone flashed in Zoe's fist.

"How did she do it?!" Karyn snorted. She enthusiastically threw her hands up in exasperation, causing her glasses to bounce lower on her nose. She pushed them back higher on her nose, and continued to pace back and forth in the living room. The chunky frames started to slide back down almost immediately. "I mean, I did bet against you, right? I should have changed back after you complained. I won. So why is she the only one who changed?"

"I don't know." Zoe seethed. "I thought so too, but maybe there was some trick in the wording?"

Karyn continued, "And she was so rude about it too. Fine, great, super clever Mina, you got us, but it's like she's turned into some ridiculous preppy basic bitch all of a sudden."

"I told you! As soon as she became 'normal' she's suddenly too good for us."

Karyn growled angrily. "I should have gone back to being myself, and you should have to do what I tell you for a week. You complained. I won fair and square. "

"You're complaining now," Zoe stated sardonically.

"Not now." Karyn brimmed with irritation. "Mina's found a way to rig the bets, and now she's stone walling us. We've got to figure this out."

"It's no use. She's just like those girls from PE."

Karyn sighed and looked to Zoe with exasperation. "It doesn't make sense. She was the one telling us not to take things too seriously yesterday, and now suddenly she's the bitch? There's something else going on, I can just feel it. "

"Maybe, but if she won't make a bet, we're screwed." Zoe huffed with crossed arms as she sunk lower into the couch.

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