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26. Turnabout is fairplay

25. The Grudge

24. The Bet Resolved

23. Zoe's Temper

22. The Morning as Zoe

21. The Next Morning

20. The Start of Karyn's Adventure

19. Player Three Has Joined

18. New Normal

17. After the Stone

16. Home at Last

15. Out with the old Friends

14. A New Old Friend

13. Sporty Goth

12. Swapped Everything!

11. The Next Battles in the Long W

10. Out of His Element, PE

9. 'Somber' Musings

8. A friendly Tease

7. The Longest Game

Bet On It: Turn About IS fair play.

avatar on 2023-04-29 14:08:34

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((I wasn't really sure about this episode. There were two ways I could go. One, keeping the playful transformations up, and make Mina angry about something else, or two, go this weirdly serious and existential route. This was the one that was stuck in my head, but it was really hard to write, I had serious writers block, so I just did my best. ))

Mina tumbled into the lounge chair in the living room with a certain nonchalance that perfectly contradicted the stiff posture of the other two girls who sat opposite her in the couch.

"You know." Mina began. "I really was going to leave you like that."

"WHY." Zoe snapped as the irritation that had been simmering on the walk home bubbled over. "You know that I was giving you a way back. It's no worse than when you stole my height all those years ago!"

"Did I do that?" Mina pondered as she tapped her lip.

"Yes you did." Zoe retorted.

"Actually, I think Normal Zoe did that." Mina stated, with a sudden edge in her voice.

"Oh, sure, are you going to say I stole my own height now, because I'm Zoe now?" Zoe made exasperated air quotes, then looked to Karyn, who simply screwed her face into a frown and crossed her arms. Zoe paused, confused by the reaction. "You don't agree with her, do you?" Zoe prompted Karyn.

Karyn looked away for a moment, then replied, "Just... listen."

Zoe stared at her friend, then looked back to her sister Mina.

Mina mused, "Actually, I probably would have done something worse than just steal your height."

"You did steal my height." Zoe insisted.

"Honestly, I'm still trying to figure it all out." Zoe replied with a shrug.

"What's to figure out? Turn about is fair play, I wasn't being malicious."

Mina's face screwed up, and her face turned more serious. "So when you wished away my whole identity, that was just turnabout?"

"What?" Zoe stammered. "Wished...?"

"Don't play dumb." Mina chided Zoe, then reasoned. "I mean, you had to have known that when you obsessed over that stupid box last night, I'd look inside."

Zoe's mouth went dry.

"So naturally I looked inside, and found the stone. Then I started to look through Mina's memories, and found out about the stones powers."

"Listen, I was just trying to wish myself back." Zoe pleaded. "I wasn't going to do anything to you."

"You already did!" Mina shouted her face suddenly serious. Silence hung in the air as the sisters eyes met. "You completely changed who I was!" Mina continued. "I wished to know what was going on. I know about your wish for the bets."

"I just thought it would be fun." Zoe pleaded

"And it completely changed who I was." Zoe looked forlorn. "I don't even know who that girl was. The original Zoe from before your stupid wish."

"It's still you." Zoe tried to reason.

"Is it?" Mina asked. "I don't know. I really don't. So you know what. Turn about 'IS' fair play." Mina produced the stone from her pocket, and Zoe panicked, and tried to rise to her feet.

"If you try to take it from me, I'll wish you can never touch it." Mina stated angrily.

Zoe winced, then sighed as the stone failed to activate. "I... I wasn't. Just be careful."

"I will be." Mina stated. "After this."

Mina grasped the stone, and said. "I wish you were always Zoe, and only thought you were Jon because you lost a bet."

The stone flashed.

Zoe, or rather Jon, blinked. "Wait... Did that even do anything?"

"I don't know." Mina shrugged. "It didn't matter when you changed me, so it must be fine, right?"

"But what does that mean, that I only think I'm Jon. I mean, I'm definitely Jon. Just because you made that wish doesn't change that, right?" Zoe couldn't help the feeling of her skin crawling and rubbed her arms as if struck by a certain chill.

Mina just shrugged. "I guess if you want to change into 'Jon', I'll make some bets, but you never really were Jon, you know? I don't even think Jon exists. It was always just you and me, Mina and Zoe."

"That's ridiculous, I'm still Jon, and you're still Zoe, even if we're 'Zoe' and 'Mina' for now."

"Good." Mina replied. "I'm glad you're so sure."

"I am sure."

"I believe you."

"You better." Zoe stated flatly. "Because I'm Jon."

"Fine. Then lets make a bet, 'Jon'." Mina replied.

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