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18. Jay Duncan Takes the Stone, Be

17. Zoe Doesn't Wait Til Lunch

16. Athena Gets Zoe to Hold Off on

15. Bimbo Filter

14. Zoe Wants to Get Rid of the Go

13. Status Quo Reversed, Sort Of

12. Zoe Changes the Status Quo

11. Zoe Meets Up With Athena

10. The Amnesia Stone

9. The Mysterious Intruder DID In

8. Jon Never Existed

7. The Omission Stone: Karyn's Wi

6. Jon Freaks Out, Karyn Remains

5. Mikey Gets Erased

4. The Next Morning

3. The Omission Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

The Amnesia Stone (Zoe): Jay Duncan Takes the Stone

avatar on 2018-02-13 10:59:45

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"Hey, cool rock," said Jay Duncan, a geeky nerd, grabbing the wishing stone out of Zoe's hand. "But if you didn't know, this is Biology. Not Geology."

"Give that back, you loser," Zoe sneered, trying to grab it back, but Jay kept it away from her.

Jay looked closer at it. He had seen many types of rocks and stones, but he didn't think he had ever seen one that looked like this. "Where did you get it?"

"If you must know, I inherited it from my grandfather," Zoe said.

"Really? You inherited a rock? That's weird. What's so special about it?" he asked.

"Nothing. Now give it back," Zoe said, trying to reach for it again.

"I wish you'd tell me," Jay said. Then, to his astonishment, the stone glowed.

"It's a wishing stone. It grants wishes." Zoe couldn't help herself. The stone forced her to say that.

"You expect me to believe that? That this stone is magic or something?" Jay asked, sounding very doubtful.

"What are you talking about? You just saw the stone glow. How else would you explain that?" she asked.

Jay looked confused. "The stone glowed? When?"

"Just a moment ago. I saw your reaction. You were stunned by it," Zoe said.

"Well, you must have interpreted my face wrong, because I didn't feel stunned by anything, and I certainly didn't notice this thing glowing. Do you really think I'm stupid, or something?"

Zoe didn't know what was going on, but one thing was clear - she wanted the stone back. "Can I have it back now?" she asked Jay, holding out her hand.

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