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17. Zoe Doesn't Wait Til Lunch

16. Athena Gets Zoe to Hold Off on

15. Bimbo Filter

14. Zoe Wants to Get Rid of the Go

13. Status Quo Reversed, Sort Of

12. Zoe Changes the Status Quo

11. Zoe Meets Up With Athena

10. The Amnesia Stone

9. The Mysterious Intruder DID In

8. Jon Never Existed

7. The Omission Stone: Karyn's Wi

6. Jon Freaks Out, Karyn Remains

5. Mikey Gets Erased

4. The Next Morning

3. The Omission Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

The Amnesia Stone (Zoe): Zoe Doesn't Wait Til Lunch

avatar on 2011-12-29 01:15:14

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Zoe seductively walked into her first period class (Biology - it was a yucky subject, but it was required), making sure to turn on all the boys ... and even the teacher, who she winked to when she sat down, crossing her legs sexily.

She looked around and frowned, looking at her various classmates. Freaks and losers, most of them. She promised Athena that she would wait until lunchtime to make a wish, but she just couldn't wait. She felt like she needed to "fix" some of the people around here. Truthfully, the school would be a lot better off without nerds, geeks, Goths, and the like.

"I wish ..."

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