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11. Woof

10. Toys

9. Starting slowly

8. Tell him

7. Small mansion

6. Over to Damian’s

5. Damian

4. Petplay

3. Jon’s Fetish

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon’s new toys

on 2018-02-10 11:41:42

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Damian smiled at his choice. They were taking it slow after all, so the petboy thing was something they could build up to if that was what they really wanted and in the mean time the toys would be fun.

Damian took a breath and said “I wish that we had a box of dog toys. I wish the box was magic and would only appear when Jon says the magic phrase ‘I’m a puppy, woof woof’. I wish it would disappear when Jon says the magic phrase ‘woof woof, I’m a human’. I wish Jon can bring the box back every time he says the first phrase and dismiss it when he says the second. I wish the magic phrases only work when Jon is wearing his collar.”

The two of them looked away for a second and when they looked back...there was nothing.

“Huh?” said Jon, looking around.

Damian looked around, then snapped his fingers. “You need to say the magic phrase.”

“Oh, yeah, good idea!” Jon cleared his throat and said “I’m a puppy, woof woof.” There was a flash and in front of them was a large box filled to the brim with dog toys.

“Cool,” the two boys said together with a grin.

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