Damian followed his motion and blinked. “Are you sure?”
Jon nodded, reaching out to gently paw at the box.
Damian swallowed and opened it, taking the stone out. “Hmm, wishes are permanent so how will I explain having dog toys. I suppose I could use the stone to change my parent’s minds to let me have a puppy, but then I’d have the puppy instead of you.” He looked thoughtfully and said “Could make petboys a normal thing and you be mine, but I think that’s taking things too fast for us.”
“Woof,” agreed Jon, although he did wonder to himself if that would be so bad, especially if they wished to be okay with it.
“Plus,” added Damian thoughtfully “Thatd be too close to slavery for comfort, even if we made petboys be evolved from dogs or something.” He scratched his chin “I suppose we could make it be more consensual and instead of being property petboys are adopted into a family and naturally form a close bond with one member.” He shook his head “That might be too complicated to wish for - too much to go wrong.”
Jon let out a half disappointed whine, causing Damian to chuckle and scratch him behind the ear.
“I’ve got it!” Damian snapped his fingers “How about a magic box that appears whenever you say ‘I’m a puppy, Woof, woof’ and disappears when you say ‘Woof, Woof, I’m a human’. And you’ve gotta be wearing your collar at the time?”
“Ruff,” shrugged Jon, deciding to shake his dialogue up a bit.
Damian stroked his back and blushed. “I’d like you to decide Jon. Woof for magic toy box, Ruff for being my petboy boyfriend.”
Jon licked his lips thinking. Looking Damian in the eye he said...