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7. Jon Tells Karyn What Happened

6. Jon Gets Karyn to Come Over ..

5. Jon and Karyn Switch Families

4. The Next Morning

3. The Opposite Opposite Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

The Opposite Opposite Stone: Jon Tells Karyn What Happened

avatar on 2018-02-09 12:15:08

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"Okay, I'm here. Now can you tell me why you have my stone?" Karyn asked, after entering what used to be her bedroom, but now belonged to Jon.

"It's not your stone. Well, technically, it's not mine either, but ..." Jon began.

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

Jon took a deep breath. "Originally, the stone was mine. I was part of the Gibson family and you were part of the Black family. Then overnight, my stone was replaced by this," he said, holding up the stone in his hand. "Look closely at it." Karyn did. "See those little green specks. This is definitely a different stone. But I didn't really notice it until after I made a wish. And that wish made us somehow switch families. Even my looks have changed. I look like I'm actually supposed to be part of the Black family," he said, looking at himself in a mirror again. He turned back to Karyn. "You know how the stone works. If you don't hear the wish, then you think that the results of the wish are how it's always been."

It was hard for Karyn to believe that she wasn't really Karyn Gibson, that she was supposed to be Karyn Black instead. But she did know how the stone worked, just as Jon said. It was possible that what Jon was saying was true. "Okay, maybe I believe you. But if that isn't my, er ... your stone, then where's the real one? And who took it?"

"I don't know," Jon said.

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