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6. Jon Gets Karyn to Come Over ..

5. Jon and Karyn Switch Families

4. The Next Morning

3. The Opposite Opposite Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

The Opposite Opposite Stone: Karyn Comes Over

avatar on 2013-12-27 16:53:21

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Jon was about to leave the house to go looking for Karyn (he didn't want to use the stone again, thinking something else might go wrong - and he would be right), when suddenly his cellphone rang. Or rather it was his version of Karyn's phone. He picked it up and answered it.

"Hello?" he asked, hesitantly.

"Jon," came the voice of Karyn. Odd that their voices hadn't changed too much, just everything else.

"Karyn! Where are you?" he asked, relieved that she was still alive and wasn't winked out of existence.

"At home. Where else?"

Home? It took him a moment to realize that she probably meant his home. If he was part of her family now then it stood to reason that she was part of his. But he still couldn't figure out why this happened in the first place.

"Listen, Jon. I can't find the stone. I think someone took it."

"Karyn, I have the stone," he said.

"You? How did you get it?" she asked.

"Karyn, it's probably too hard to explain over the phone. Can you come over here so we can talk in person?"

"If you have the stone, why don't you just wish me over there?"

"It's complicated, okay? You'll understand when you get here."

"Okay, fine. Whatever. But you better have a good explanation for why you have my stone." Then she hung up.

Great. Not only did Karyn think that she was part of his family now, she also thought that the stone was hers. He looked down at the stone in his hand and closely inspected it. It looked almost the same as the one he got from his grandfather. It might have been the same one. But ... were there little green specks on the top and bottom of it before? He didn't think so. The specks were so minute that it wasn't hard to believe that he'd miss them, if he was in a hurry to make a wish ...

Oh god! This wasn't his stone, was it? Someone (or something) must have switched his stone with this one. No wonder it wasn't working right!

About five minutes later, Karyn walked up to Jon's house (what she thought was Jon's house) and knocked on the door. A moment later, it opened, revealing a middle-aged woman with reddish-brown hair.

"Hi, Mrs. Black," Karyn said.

"Are you here to see Jon?" the woman asked.


"Well, he's upstairs. For some reason, he won't come down to breakfast. I think something might be wrong. Could you try to help him?"

"I'll try," Karyn said, then came in and went up to Jon's bedroom.

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