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68. Remember

67. Sleeping it Off

66. Back to the Real World

65. Back at the Warehouse

64. The Awkwardness Stays

63. What?!?

62. Meet Zoe

61. Meet Jon

60. Zoe Goes Straight Home

59. Sarah and Karyn

58. After School Activity

57. Zoe Stands Up For Herself

56. Zoe Changes Her Philosophy

55. Nadine Tells Zoe That She Can'

54. Nadine Interrupts

53. An Awkward Meeting

52. Back at the School, Jon Encoun

51. Lorraine Can't Be Budged

50. Lorraine Meadows

49. Jon on the Brain

The Workmen: Remember

on 2018-02-08 21:24:42

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Tina stirred from her sleep, finding herself in her bedroom. She must have fallen asleep, despite her efforts to only pretend.

She went to the bathroom and splashed some water on her face. "I...was in a warehouse, and...they were talking about someone..." She was having trouble remembering. She tried to focus.

"My hair's a mess," she said, suddenly distracted. It wouldn't be good for the Head Cheerleader to be seen...She struggled against the thought. She wasn't the Head Cheerleader, she was...she focused, and an image of another version of herself appeared in her mind. Plain, uninteresting....

The Head Cheerleader won out.

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