On the card was a picture of a cat. With a gulp I read the card.
"1) Become a cute neko girl
2) To score a point act like a submissive cat-girl maid for an hour"
I looked up at the others staring at me. My ears itched and I could feel something growing in the seat of my pants which all of a sudden gave way. I glanced down, a view that was quickly getting blocked by my frowning cleavage to see I was now wearing a skirt and I had the feeling soon I'd be dressed in a skimpy maid costume.
"Well?" said Karyn.
I sighed and decided to go with it.
"What do you wish Mistress?" I asked.
"How about taking Gordon out for a quick walk?" she giggled "Maybe he's not eating because he needs to do his business."
"At once Mistress," I replied without thinking. Was I acting this way naturally now? I took Gordon out into the garden, waited for him to finish and brought him back inside.
"Think he'll eat it now?" asked Billy nudging Karyn.