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6. After dinner

5. Role Reversal: Making Dinner

4. Out the Window

3. Role Reversal

2. Parallel Universes

1. You Are What You Wish

Role Reversal: After Dinner

avatar on 2016-05-07 21:01:32

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Jon served the dinner and sat down at the table. He looked around at the table amused slightly. It was an odd sight. He was wearing his mother's red polka dot dress while Zoe who was sitting next to him, was wearing his father's clothes which after getting changed consisted of a purple polo shirt and black jeans. On the other side of the table sitting opposite him, sat Linda and Roger. Linda was wearing what used to be Jon's clothes and Roger was now wearing Zoe's clothes. Mikey (or rather whoever was inhabiting Mikey's role) hadn't appeared yet so Jon had no idea what to expect. Jon looked towards Roger and said "where is your brother?" Roger shrugged his shoulders. Zoe leaned her back towards the hall and shouted "Sharon! Get down here now." "So that's who Mikey swapped with" Jon thought to himself. It was his aunt Sharon who was his mom's sister and she was single. A few minutes later, Sharon came into the kitchen. As Jon expected Sharon was dressed in Mikey's clothes, which consisted of a yellow Pokémon t-shirt and denim jeans. Her normally long hair was cut short into Mikey's style.

"Sorry" Sharon said her face sullen and sounding exactly like Mikey. "I was on the toilet." She explained. Zoe settled down and replied "Oh ok, Sharon." Sharon sat down in the empty seat. "Everyone tuck in" Jon said smiling. Despite his situation, Jon was proud of the dinner he had cooked. Of course being new to this reality Jon didn't have the culinary skills that his mother had. He would have to start reading some cooking books tomorrow but the dinner he had made today seemed ok and his family seemed to be really enjoying it. "Oh wow mom! That was great" Linda stated after finishing her plate and leaning back in her chair patting her stomach. "Aw thanks honey." Jon replied. Zoe nodded her head in approval "Yeah honey. That was great. I can't believe I married such a great cook." Jon giggled and blushed at that comment. "Now do you kids have any homework?" Zoe asked. Linda groaned but nodded and Roger nodded as well. Sharon stated that she didn't have any. "Well why don't you two get the homework done now and then you have the rest of the evening to yourselfs. How does that sound?" Zoe suggested. The two parents groaned but agreed and then they got up and headed towards their respective bedrooms. Sharon got up and then went into the living room where she laid down on the floor on her stomach and watched some cartoons on the TV. Meanwhile Jon got up and started cleaning the dishes up. Zoe got up as well and said "here, honey. Let me help" Jon accepted his husband's offer and the two tidy up the kitchen. At one point while Jon was washing the dishes in the sink. Zoe sneaked up behind him and wrapped her arms around Jon's thin waist and rested her head on Jon's shoulders. The sudden appearance of Zoe had shocked Jon a little and he had jumped slightly but then giggled slightly.

Soon after the kitchen was clean and Jon and Zoe had sat down to watch some TV, it was time for bed. Jon helped Sharon get into bed and then checked Roger and Linda's rooms. It had appeared that Linda at least had already gone to bed but Roger was still up in what was Zoe's room on her computer chatting with her friends. "Honey" Jon said poking his head around Roger's door. "Don't stay up too late" Jon said, Roger looked at Jon and then rolled his eyes. "It's a school night" Jon reminded him. "Fine" Roger replied, he said goodbye to his friends and then shut off his computer and got ready for bed. When Jon got to the master bedroom he found Zoe already in bed. She had stripped down to her pyjama bottoms and had left her chest bare, leaving her breasts to hang loosely. Jon changed into one of his mother's nightgowns and then got ready for bed himself. "Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day" Jon thought as he climbed into bed

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