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12. Gender role reversal: Arguing

11. Gender role reversal: Here com

10. Gender role reversal: Bus ride

9. Leaving for school

8. In the morning

7. Later that evening

6. In the kitchen

5. Heading downstairs

4. Karyn interupts

3. Gender Role Reversal

2. Parallel Universes

1. You Are What You Wish

Gender role reversal: Arguing in the hallway

avatar on 2015-12-31 16:59:25

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"I think that everyone should be allowed a chance to get into the squad, and I'm going to show you that you don't need to be a bitch in order to get on." Jon retorted.

"Hey!" yelled Biff, looking over to Sarah. "Are you going to let him talk to me like that?" Sarah march over with her shoulders arched and looking menacing, "You talk like that to him again, you'll regret it." "I was just saying that people shouldn't be let into the squad based on looks and how dumb they are" Jon replied.

"Who are you calling dumb?" asked Biff as he pushed Jon in the chest, "ok guys calm down" Karyn said stepping in between the two of them arms spread wide. Biff was about to retaliate when he spotted a teacher coming down the hall.

"You just watch yourself Jon-boy" Biff warned "I'm going to make sure that you don't get on the squad." With that he threw them his trademark smirk, flicked his hair over his shoulders and sauntered off leaving Sarah to follow behind him.

"Phew" Karyn sighed "I'm glad that's over." "Yeah, me too" Jon replied, the bell rung signalling the start of class. "Come on Jon" Karyn said "let's go"

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