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11. Gender role reversal: Here com

10. Gender role reversal: Bus ride

9. Leaving for school

8. In the morning

7. Later that evening

6. In the kitchen

5. Heading downstairs

4. Karyn interupts

3. Gender Role Reversal

2. Parallel Universes

1. You Are What You Wish

Gender role reversal: Here comes trouble

avatar on 2015-12-31 16:55:55

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They had arrived at the school in plenty of time so the first that Karyn and Jon did was go to the school bulletin board so that Jon could sign up for cheerleading practice. This move didn't go unnoticed however

Biff was standing nearby with his boyfriend Sarah and her friends, watching to see who would sign up. Biff already being a cheerleader was wearing the schools' cheerleader uniform which was a white cropped top with a silver border a matching white skirt, white sneakers with a pink stripe I the middle. He also wore white socks and his blonde hair was flowing down to his shoulders, his nails were painted pink and he wore a red heart shaped necklace around his neck and had matching earrings.

"Hey, is that Jon Gibson? Tiffany "the stud" Sanders asked her friends. Biff looked up from his compact and frowned, it was. "Why is that loser signing up for cheerleading?" he thought, it was fine when Jon was dressed as a Janegirl, he wasn't any competition with his large pecs then. However, now the boy was dressing up to show off and signing up for cheerleading, Biff wasn't happy.

"It is, wow he is hot!" Mellissa commented. "Yeah he is" Sarah agreed, earning a nudge in the ribs from Biff as he caught her staring. "Sarah!" Biff whined "sorry babe, but even you have to admit he is pretty hot." Biff did, which is what annoyed him. So he wandered over to Jon, "Hey Gibson!" he shouted.

"Uh oh, here comes trouble" Karyn warned. "What do you think you're doing signing up for cheerleading? You know we don't accept losers like you" Biff growled as he reached Jon and Karyn. "I think that everyone should be allowed a chance to get into the squad, and I'm going to show you that you don't need to be a bitch in order to get on." Jon retorted.

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