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10. Gender role reversal: Bus ride

9. Leaving for school

8. In the morning

7. Later that evening

6. In the kitchen

5. Heading downstairs

4. Karyn interupts

3. Gender Role Reversal

2. Parallel Universes

1. You Are What You Wish

Gender role reversal: Bus ride

avatar on 2015-12-31 16:54:52

1584 hits, 78 views, 2 upvotes.

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The bus ride to school was rather uneventful. A few of Jon's guy friends complimented him on his new look while a few of the girls wolf whistled, Jon blushed and giggled as he sat down next to Karyn. Jon looked at Karyn in her baggy jeans and red t-shirt, he was glad that Karyn had asked him out as back in his universe he had a bit of a crush on Karyn but he was too scared to ask her out in case it ruined their friendship, it worked out now that Karyn asked him as he didn't have to worry about doing anything wrong.

Jon started to think about Friday night and he could imagine Karyn taking him out to dinner with him in a cute black dress while she looked handsome in a dark brown dress shirt with black trousers and shiny black shoes. He continued to imagine them having a romantic evening and then when Karyn took him back home, they went upstairs to his room and then began making out. Karyn would start taking off his clothes then followed with hers, they stood naked and Jon looked at Karyn; at her breasts and then slowly down to her vagina

The sudden movement of the bus coming to a stop brought Jon out of his reverie, he looked down and noticed that he had a hard on which was tenting his dress. He bussed and quickly covered it with his books looking around to see if anyone had noticed, fortunately no one had not even Karyn. Everyone climb off the bus, Jon still kept his books low.

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