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9. Leaving for school

8. In the morning

7. Later that evening

6. In the kitchen

5. Heading downstairs

4. Karyn interupts

3. Gender Role Reversal

2. Parallel Universes

1. You Are What You Wish

Leaving for school

avatar on 2015-12-30 19:20:25

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Jon entered the kitchen, sat down and poured himself some cereal. His father then entered the room spotted Jon and examined his outfit for the day, "looking good honey, that dress is really cute. I'm sure all the girls at school will love it." "Thanks dad, you're looking very pretty as well" "aw, thanks sweetie. Have fun day at school" "I will" replied Jon. Jon then went back upstairs to grab his books and his handbag and then headed out to meet with Karyn at the bus stop.

Approaching the bus stop Jon saw that Karyn was already there waiting for him, he waved as he got closer "Hi Karyn". "Hi Jon, wow! You look great" she said when she saw him. "Thanks, I used the stone last night to give me some knowledge and help me pick an outfit." Jon explained "well you certainly picked a good one today. Listen, I've been thinking, and if you really want to do this whole being a boy thing then perhaps you'd like to go on a date with me on Friday?" Karyn asked.

"A date!? With you?" Jon questioned, "Yeah, I thought that it would a good idea and that you'd rather have your first date with someone you knew and could trust to look after you instead of one those jockettes who would only be trying to get into your panties." Karyn explained. "Oh, that sounds like a wonderful idea Karyn. Apart from the jockettes comment" he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. "Hey could be worse, I could be Tiffany "the stud" Sanders" Karyn replied blushing from the kiss.

"True" Jon said, at that point the bus had turned up and both he and Karyn got on.

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