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7. Later that evening

6. In the kitchen

5. Heading downstairs

4. Karyn interupts

3. Gender Role Reversal

2. Parallel Universes

1. You Are What You Wish

Later that evening

avatar on 2015-12-29 23:35:59

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Jon spent the rest of the evening preparing for tomorrow. First he made a couple of wishes on his rock; "I wish to have all the knowledge of how a boy in this world should act and behaviour" the stone flashed as information filled his head, "second, I wish to have the fashion sense required to achieve the 'boy next door look'" another flash, "and finally I wish that I had the skills to be able to get onto the cheerleading squad tomorrow" another flash.

"Excellent" Jon said as he practiced a few moves in his bedroom. He then watched TV for a bit, finally at around 8 o'clock he decided to get ready for bed. He went to his wardrobe and opened it; he spotted a red dressing gown hanging from one door. Jon searched the wardrobe and finally found what he was looking for, a white sleeveless nightdress which he took out and placed on the bed.

He then headed downstairs to say goodnight to his parents, his mom and dad were in the lounge watching the news. Dad was snuggled up to his mom which was a weird sight for Jon. Back upstairs Jon stopped by the bathroom to go to the toilet and take off his makeup, once in his room Jon took off his clothes and then put the nightdress on. He checked that his rock was in a safe place (which it was) and then got into bed.

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