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6. In the kitchen

5. Heading downstairs

4. Karyn interupts

3. Gender Role Reversal

2. Parallel Universes

1. You Are What You Wish

Dinner conversation

avatar on 2015-12-29 23:34:30

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"Ah Jon sweetie, there you are" his father said turning around and bringing the food from the oven, spotting that Jon had arrived. "H-hi dad" Jon stammered, the 'sweetie' part had thrown him off a bit especially coming from his dad. "Where's mom?" he asked. "Oh she rang ahead and said that she would be working late, she also said we could start dinner without her".

"Fair enough" Jon said as he settled into his seat between Zoe and Mikey. Mikey (as Jon expected) was dressed as a girl his age would be from Jon's reality, he was wearing; a pink tank top with a white cardigan over it, a matching pink skirt, white tights and black mary-jane ("or is that Mark-James now" Jon pondered) shoes. Mikey also had his brown hair tied into pigtails.

The Gibson children sat and watched their father as he served them plates of spaghetti and then sat down himself. The Patriarch of the Gibson family was immaculately dressed as one might expect for a househusband; he was wearing a red and white polka dot housedress with matching red high heels, his legs sported tan colored tights and his makeup was perfectly applied His long brown hair was professionally curled and fell down to his shoulders. Pearl earrings dangled from his ears and a matching necklace hung around his neck. Jon's father obviously took pride in his appearance.

"So Jon" His father said, "is that a new outfit?" pointing to his t-shirt and skirt combo. "Erm, Yes it is dad thanks for noticing." "That's alright sweetie, I'm glad that you're finally deciding to ditch that Janegirl look."

"Yeah, I thought that I'd try a new style for this new term. In fact I might even tryout for the cheerleading squad tomorrow" "really? Oh honey that's a great idea" his father gushed.

"Yeah great!" Zoe said sarcastically, "another stuck up cheerleader, that's just what this town needs." "Zoe!" Roger said sternly "be more supportive of your brother."

"It's ok dad, don't worry Zoe, I'm not going to become like Biff. I just thought that I might try it." Jon said.

"Who's Biff?" Roger asked

"He's the schools' bitch of a head cheerleader" Zoe explained.

"Watch your language" Roger said crossly

"It's true dad" Jon cut in "He thinks that he's better than everyone else just because his mom is rich" he added using his knowledge of Sarah McMillan from his universe.

"That may be true, but I don't want you swearing, especially in front of Mikey. I thought I brought you up better than that"

"Sorry dad" Zoe and Jon said in unison.

"That's better, now Jon that's great to hear about cheerleading. Back to your outfit, did you have an idea of what kind of look that you wanted?" his father asked.

"Well, I don't want to be too casual but I also don't want to be too sexy like Biff and his friends. I'd like to be able to show the world that you can be a cheerleader without having a rich mom or fancy clothes."

"That's great honey, you can be a better role model for boys growing up everywhere. I think I know the look you want, you're going for the boy next door look."

"Yes, that's it" Jon agreed

"Brilliant, it's the look that I used when I was your age. It's how I got your mother to come and ask me out, do you need any help in selecting outfits?" Roger said reminiscing.

"I think I'm fine for tomorrow dad, but perhaps we could go shopping after school?"

"That would be wonderful" Roger gushed "we can have a boys' afternoon out!"

"Thanks dad" Jon said as he finished eating "may I be excused now?"

"Of course you can" Roger said sweetly

With that Jon got up and took his plate to the sink to be washed and then headed upstairs to his room.

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