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5. Heading downstairs

4. Karyn interupts

3. Gender Role Reversal

2. Parallel Universes

1. You Are What You Wish

Saying goodbye to Karyn

avatar on 2015-12-29 23:30:06

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As Karyn and Jon exited Jon's room they saw Zoe exit the bathroom that they shared together. Jon noted that in this universe Zoe was still a Goth only it was now (what he considered) a masculine version of what she normally wore. She was still pale and had short black hair styled similar to Karyn's, however Jon noted that she wasn't wearing any makeup "I guess that's only for the male Goth's now" Jon thought. Zoe was wearing; a fishnet shirt, black ripped jeans and black leather boots.

"What are you staring at dweeb?" Zoe asked as she spotted Jon looking at him. "Nothing, I was just wondering if you had heard dad saying tea was ready?" Jon replied. "Yeah of course I heard him, I was just heading down now actually" and she stormed off down the stairs to the kitchen.

"So Zoe's still a Goth in this reality then? I guess some things never change" Jon said as they followed after down the stairs. "Yeah I guess" Karyn said. "Hey I have an idea, to get the full experience of your new found masculinity (or in your case femininity) perhaps you should try-out for the cheerleading squad tomorrow".

"Really? I guess that would be a good idea, do you think that I have what it takes?" Jon asked Karyn as they reached the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah I do, and you've certainly have now got the body for it thanks to the stone." Karyn smirked staring at Jon's now muscular chest. "Hey!" Jon said raising his voice and folding his arms over his chest "eyes up here, and that happened before I came to this reality. Perhaps I'll give it a try and maybe we can take Biff down a notch or two."

"Yeah that would be good, show him that he doesn't have to be a mommy's prince to be a cheerleader." Karyn said laughing. "Well I best be off now, see you at school tomorrow Jon-boy."

"See you tomorrow" Jon opened the door for her and then headed to the kitchen for tea with his family.

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