"You have something in mind," said Jon.
"No, I don't."
"I've known you for a long time," said Jon. "Of course you have something in mind, just like you did a few minutes ago when you found that loophole in my wish. You're thinking of something or you wouldn't be fiddling with the stone." Jon took the stone from Karyn and said "I wish I knew what you were thinking of..."
Karyn said "Wait! Don't..." But of course she could only say that after she heard Jon's wish, so she couldn't possibly stop him. "Sigh. I hope that that wish made you know by zapping the knowledge into your head, not by making my idea happen to you."
"What was it?"
"Jon, is that a joke?"
"What? No."
"If you're asking me what it is, that means it didn't zap the knowledge into your head. It may have made it happen instead. I was thinking that now that you made Steve break up with Biff, you could go out with her instead. Maybe Biff really did have a crush on you."
"I think I undid the reason for the breakup."
"If you wished for what I was thinking, they must have broken up for some other reason."
"Yeah, I guess I'll find out when I see Biff again. Dating Biff might be fun." Jon scratched his head. "That's weird. I know I wouldn't have thought like that a minute ago, but I really do feel it would be fun. The old Biff would certainly never let me kiss her and I wouldn't want Biff with no breasts and as a guy anyway."