I really don't deserve such a rating. I couldn't really bring back that old magic from the first story. So many spelling mistakes, unexplained concepts, too much speaking... Though I did like the General Makepeace character. (A not so subtle reference to stargate SG1)
Irredecent sun was special.. stars... well, its a post transformation story. The challanges of such a thing... Earth became part of a new universe where it followed the Hollowed Earth theory, due to the unique physics of that other realm. The Earth goddess had awaken and... ended up there, bringing the entire world with her. Things in this world were reduced to 'concepts' of what they were. So a cat-girl might end up as just a cat, if they were not strong enough to 'form'.
The general idea of Stars was to make a decision on Earth's final fate; if it was to be dominiated by one species, or a multiude of species and have History reset as if it was always so. Magic girl 4 was going to find out she had been lied to on her past, literally confronting the man she was due to a time-warp. (and it only got crazier the more I thought about it.)
Anyway good times, good memories heh.