"You're going to regret that Jon." Matt eyed him. Though the short bean sprout wasn't intimidating the edge to his voice was.
"Calm down Matt it's fun." Elizabeth gave Jon a concerned look. "It all goes back to normal anyways."
"Says the one who's only changes have been bonuses." Matt said.
"Well at least I have the strength to carry a pair of tits like these?" Elizabeth spat, shivering as her lips over stimulated her speech.
"Ladies and and barely men, please, allow me to take my turn." Jon called out.
Jon slid out a tile. "Blow hard, fit yourself into a small overbust corset."
Matt laughed out loud, "I knew the game was vindictive, that's what I call justice."
"How am I even supposed to do that?" Jon looked around, there was a ring at the doorbell. Jon was compelled to answer it, he walked to the door and very quickly answered it. opening the door while hiding behind it he saw a box on the door step, he quickly grabbed the box as the cool air washed over his tits.
Jon closed the door and put the box on the table, opening up inside was a silky bright red corset that matched his panties. He picked up the corset and wrapped it around himself, somehow finding the dexterity to then lace it with inhuman speed. each tightening of the corset knocking more wind out of him. when he was done he stood there his tits forming a valley of cleavage.
April walked over "Oh my God John I can almost get my hands around your waist, how is that possible?"
Jon wheezed for a second not used to the shallow breaths, "I'm not sure."
April picked up Jon, "I know I'm stronger but I think you've lost some weight, I think you're actually smaller under that."
Matt laughed "Who's a pipsqueak now Jon?"
Elizabeth sat in her seat squirming licking her lips. Thinking of all the naughty things she wanted to do to those maginificent jugs on Jon's chest.