"Matt you look adorable," April said "I guess it's my turn, who knows what could happen next?"
Jon looked around, this had already escalated quite quickly.
April pulled a tile from the stack "Pump some iron, bulk yourself up."
"How am I supposed to do that?" April said as she looked around. She then felt herself get up and walk into the kitchen, pick up the cast iron frying pan and begin to pump it. with each repetition her muscles swelled.
"This is the fastest workout regime I've ever seen" Elizabeth said.
Jon looked on impressed with movement of April's arm seemed to pack on solid muscle. She stopped when she resembled a professional athlete. Not the defined tone of a body builder but she looked powerful.
Matt began to pout, this game was vindictive to no end. "This is not fair at all."
"Shut it pip squeak" Jon said.