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68. DMU - Time for bed

67. DMU - Jon and Laura in the tub

66. DMU - a good workout

65. DMU - After dinner with the Gi

64. DMU - Robert learns his lesson

63. DMU - a taste of his own medic

62. DMU - the final chore

61. DMU - Dinner prep

60. DMU - after school

59. DMU - ladies that lunch

58. DMU - Lunchtime

57. DMU - Simon’s frustration

56. DMU - Robert’s Chores

55. DMU - Back to Lydia

54. DMU - a new offer

53. DMU - Meanwhile at school

52. DMU - The visitor

51. DMU - back with the Gibsons

50. DMU - Robert gets dressed

49. DMU - Robert’s punishment

DMU - Time for bed

avatar on 2023-03-04 09:13:55

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“Geez mom! Really!” Jon blurted, covering his eyes in embarrassment.

“Sorry honey, I still can’t control this thing” Laura blurted as she struggled to adjust her trunks to stop them sticking to her, “it was the bubbles I swear” she added quickly. In truth that wasn’t the case, she caught herself catching glimpses of Jon’s crotch under the water adjust the bubbles. The way his bottoms had curved over the flat area and again shown of the shape of his new parts, had given her a few strange feelings. She tried to brush them as best she could, knowing that it was her son, but the wine had made that even harder. Finally she managed to get the shorts to hang free and her bulge was better hidden.

“Ok, I think we really need to get out” Jon replied, turning his back to her and climbing out. The air felt cold after being in the warm water, and he hurried over to one of the towels the others had left outside for them. He quickly wrapped it around his waist and hurried inside. Laura sighed and followed suit. As they enter red the kitchen, they found Simon pouring a glass of water for himself.

“Hey guys” he smiled. Jon looked him over, he was wearing one of his old t-shirts, along with a pair of Karyn’s pyjama bottoms.

“Ready for bed already?” Laura asked. Simon nodded.

“Well yeah, it’s nearly 10!” He said indicating the clock in the wall, “Zoe and Mikey are already in their rooms, and I think Karyn’s already asleep! She seemed really tired” he added. It was Jon’s turn to feel a bit disappointed, he hadn’t really seen much of Karyn today, and was hoping to catch up with her.

“We’ll, we just need to go and get changed” Laura said, cutting through his musings, “how about you give us 15 minutes so that Jon can get what he needs for bed and then come up” she added. Simon shrugged.

“Sounds good to me” he said with a smile, “I’ll go and cover the tub” he added placing his glass on the counter and heading outside. Laura looked over at her son.

“Come on then” she said and she lead him back to the master bedroom. Once upstairs she dug out some thin cotton pyjama bottoms and a plain pair of panties. She laid them on the bed for him.

“You can’t go to sleep covered in chlorine” she said, “you can use the en-suite to have a quick shower” she added, pointing to the door.

“Yeah, that’s a good idea mom” Jon smiled as he made his way into the little bathroom, closing the door behind him. Laura sat on the bed and leaned back on her hands as she heard the shower start up. She let out a big sigh.

‘What is wrong with me?’ She thought to herself, ‘getting turned on by my vagina, thats on my son! It’s so wrong!’ She leaned forward and placed her hands over her eyes, as if trying to push the mental image of Jon’s flat crotch from her mind.

“I guess I should bring this up to Miss Grant” she muttered. The sound of the shower stopped and she heard the door open. She looked up to see Jon emerge from the steam filled room, towel around his waist again. He walked over and gathered up the clothes she’d left for him.

“Right, I guess I’ll head to bed then” he said with a smile, “I enjoyed tonight” he added. Laura smiled back and stood up.

“Me too Jon, thanks for listening, and the advice” she said kindly. She walked over and gave him a tight hug that he returned. They stayed like that for a few seconds before Jon pulled back slightly and their eyes met. Laura could feel her heart hammering, all her previous feeling bubbling up again. She felt her head start to move forward ever so slightly, as her gaze dropped suddenly to his lips.

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