"Well, it seems prudent to check and see if that little twat was bluffing when he said you couldn't leave." Josh said, beginning to walk the opposite way from Jon and beckoning him to come with him. Despite all the reasons he could come up with to the contrary, Jon followed.
Upon reaching the edge of town, Josh ran behind a building and dragged Jon with him, shushing him when they finally were hidden. "Why are we hiding?" Jon whispered through his teeth. "Look for yourself", Josh said, and pointed Jon towards the edge of the building.Jon peeked around the corner and couldn't believe what he was seeing, much less the week he was having.
There were what looked to be soldiers from every era, even ones that weren't from Earth, mounted on or in front of a massive, inward facing wall. From the look of them, they were the absolute most elite of soldiers, and probably completely loyal to Roger as well. If that wasn't terrifying enough, they also had what looked to be mechs of many descriptions and sizes. There were tanks too, along with what looked to be hoverbikes.
Pulling his head back, Jon looked at Josh and raised his hands. "well shit, we're completely fucked." Jon lamented. "well, good news is we can bust a hole in that wall if need be, but we'd probably get shot. So we at least have a possible escape plan, no matter how low the chances of success."said Josh.
"but choice is up to you Jonny-boy, Do we escape or do we go after that punk and see some justice done?"
Jon contemplated that for a moment. Go after Roger and possibly change things back to normal and get his friends and family back, or make a break for the wall, bust out, move to Europe, get new names and live in peace without having to worry about Roger ever again?