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22. A strange man who may be able

21. Jon Ran

20. Roger's Revenge: Confrontation

19. Roger's Revenge: Find Karyn

18. Roger's Revenge: A goodbye ban

17. Roger's Revenge: After School

16. Roger's Revenge: All Girls Dan

15. Roger's Revenge: Join the club

14. Roger's Revenge: Convocation

13. Book Club: Inversion

12. Book Club: Confrontation

11. Book Club: The note

10. Book Club: Arrival

9. Book Club: All's Well That End

8. Book Club: Biff Meadows

7. Book Club: Back to Jon

6. Book Club: Enter Roger

5. Book Club: Sarah McMillan

4. Book Club: Option 3

3. Book Club: Jon's Options

Who or what the fuck is this guy?

on 2014-10-24 06:45:04

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Jon walked home from the bus stop, wondering what he was going to do. Roger had the stone, and, because of his extreme psychopathic tendencies, was completely ruining Jon's life.

His friends and everyone he knew had changed

His former best friend had only gotten Roger's emotions about the event that spurred this idiocy, and she had overreacted almost as radically as Roger had.

Roger, being an idiot through and through, hadn't even thought of changing things back to the way they were with some sort of device or other way to warp the effects of Jon's wish back to normal.

Jon had no stone, and Roger held all the cards. It was hopeless.

the sound of rending metal splits the air right behind Jon

Jon shook himself partially loose of his self-inflection to look back at what had happened. He thought that perhaps a car had crashed into the bus behind him, completely smashing it with no one inside. It was a shame he had already gotten off the bus when it occured.

He was right about one thing. That bus was fucked to all shit.

But that was no car. Whatever it was, it was human-sized.
Now that Jon got a better look at it, he could see it was a human. A young man not much older than Jon by the look of it. A guy about 6'0, white with a mild tan, long legs, which by the look of his arms, wasn't only part of his body that was hairy. The man had toasted-brown hair, with a short hairstyle that implied he cut it and didn't do much else with it. He didn't quite have a powerful build, but there was something about his limbs that looked like he would be almost unbelievably fast when it came to close-quarters, with a medium-sized frame with not-so-large-not-so-small shoulders and a thin chest.he was wearing what looked to be a strange-looking cloth hooded jacket with black jeans that were loose around the legs, and a loose Van Halen T-shirt, none the worse for wear even though he had presumably just dropped out of the sky and destroyed a bus.

Then the guy did something he certainly wasn't expecting. He pulled himself out of the heap of scrap metal that was left of the bus, rolled his jaw, and spat on the pavement, rolling his shoulders and arms as he did so.
He spoke with what seemed to be a weird mix of accents, both American Southern and Northern, with just a hint of Scottish and a little twang of Cockney.

" Well, that wasn't the best landing I've ever made, but at least no one died this time. Hooray for no collateral damage! WOO!". The man gave himself a high-five in a sarcastic manner. Then he looked at Jon, cocked his right eyebrow, and posed a very salient question.

" What, you think that just because a guy can survive unscathed from a crash landing on a bus at terminal velocity, that he must be a goddamn superhero? Lemme just answer that one for ya, the answer is fuck no, and I came here because I could tell someone has been seriously fucking around with reality in this facet of this dimension. You, good chap, seem to be the usual center of some of the more subtle, reversible, and more easily allowable changes. But I picked up on someone fucking around with a device maliciously, and with no regard for any purpose or existence but their own. Someone like that is a threat to our entire dimensional plane and all its many facets."

Jon just stared at the man in front of him, still processing what he was saying.
" Ah shite, I've broken him. Now I gotta find some other way to get information on the asshole causing this."he said, his voice becoming more dominated by a Scottish accent as he got irritated.

Jon finally thought through all the things he had just heard and seen, squashing any hope that this man might help him. He was, after all, now as trapped here as Jon was, and susceptible to the powers of the stone." You don't want to be seen or noticed with me," Jon said " or else the kid causing this is going to find you and change you. Hide and find a way out if you can. It's hopeless to fight him. He has a stone which lets him alter reality any way he wants." Jon hung his head and turned back around starting to walk home, but heard the man's reply, which gave him a little spark of hope.

" I'm not going to let such a threat to the myriad worlds simply sit here and fester in his own fucking juices. The stone lets him alter reality, huh? Lets see how much reality he can alter when I punch a hole through his lungs with his 'almighty' stone. Though I'll only result to murder if he's attempted to kill another sentient being with it."

Jon, slightly hopeful, turned around and told the man exactly what had transpired during Roger's power-induced tyranny, and the events which caused it.The gentleman nodded sagely, then thumped Jon in the head hard enough to knock him on his ass in the street, hitting with about moderate force, as if he'd been tackled to the ground.

" And THAT is why you always create an out or reverse for any kind of reality shift before even considering implementing it in any way, or simply enough reason to not fuck around with reality at all. Still, this kid's actions trouble me. He has no regard for others than what their worth is to him, he uses such power like a petulant child, and he chose to ruin your life by ruining or completely destroying others' without so much as a single thought to trying to circumvent the original mistake. Someone like that certainly shouldn't be wielding an R.C.W., much less even having such power with no advisors or limiters. I'm definitely taking this one down." The boy clenched his fists in a gesture of irritation.

" So what should I call you?" Jon asked, trying to get home before Roger saw them talking." Isn't one supposed to reveal one's own name before asking for another's?" The mysterious man asked , His muted lime-green eyes twinkling with amusement, a small rise given to one corner of his mouth, as he waited for Jon's reply.

" Oh, sorry. My name's Jon. What's yours?"

" My name's Josh, and I am going to try my best to help you."

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