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63. DMU - a taste of his own medic

62. DMU - the final chore

61. DMU - Dinner prep

60. DMU - after school

59. DMU - ladies that lunch

58. DMU - Lunchtime

57. DMU - Simon’s frustration

56. DMU - Robert’s Chores

55. DMU - Back to Lydia

54. DMU - a new offer

53. DMU - Meanwhile at school

52. DMU - The visitor

51. DMU - back with the Gibsons

50. DMU - Robert gets dressed

49. DMU - Robert’s punishment

48. DMU - Robert’s worse morning

47. DMU - Dressing at the Gibsons

46. DMU - Lydia’s Wardrobe

45. DMU -Lydia’s breakfast

44. DMU - Day 2 begins

DMU - a taste of his own medicine

avatar on 2023-03-02 07:30:18

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Robert gasped audibly at this command.

“Mollie…” he began but was quickly silenced as she pressed a finger to his lips.

“Come on now monsieur Robert” she smirked, “you know what could ‘appen if you don’t do as I ask” she added, finally getting to use one of his favourite phrases.

“But…I…” he stammered.

“I guess I should go speak to Madame Lucy then?” Mollie shrugged, a devilish glint in her eye. Robert shook his head and slowly knelt down in front of her, Biffs former cock standing hard next to his face

“Good girl” Mollie purred.

“Pardon?” Robert paused, and looked up at her.

“Zat is what you are now is it not?” Mollie asked, “you ‘ave the parts of a girl after all!” This acknowledgment hammered the realisation home for Robert. He dropped his gaze back down, again catching sight of the Mollies new member starting him in the face.

“Say it!” Mollie ordered.

“I am a girl” he whispered, surprised to find the urge to cry welling up inside him.

“Wiz…?” Mollie urged him on.

“I am a girl… with girl parts” he swallowed back the sadness.

“Good girl” Mollie smiled again, “now let’s to get to the matter at ‘and” she continued as nodded towards her erection.

“Mollie, please…” Robert begged.

“Oh, I can see why you made me beg for it! It feels good” Mollie laughed, full well knowing what he really meant, “should I remind you Zat all I ‘Ave to do is shout and Lucy will come running” she could see the tears forming in his eyes. She should have felt sorry for him, but the thought of everything he’d been putting her through the last two years pushed that sorrow to the side.

“Open your mouth” she ordered, and Robert did as instructed. She grasped the base of her cock with one hand and lowered it so her head was pointing at him. With her other hand she grabbed the back of his head and started pulling him forward. Robert tried to resist, feeling sick to his stomach at the thought of what was happening. His resistance was futile, somehow Mollie managed to pull hi with relative ease and he could see her member getting closer and closer to his open mouth. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see what would happen next.

“Mph” he grunted as he felt the head move past his lips and he tasted the salty pre-cum. His stomach lurched as he felt the organ move further towards the back of his throat. Mollies grip lightened for a moment and he managed to pull back slightly, which caused her to tighten her grasp again. He felt himself moving forward once again, and this time he felt her dick move deeper. Mollie moaned with pleasure, genuinely surprised at how good it felt. She continued to lighten and tighten her grip accordingly, forcing him to essentially bob back and forth on her cock. She looked down at Robert, a single tear rolling down his cheek.

“Open your eyes!” She ordered, and he reluctantly obeyed. He felt more tears pushing their way up as he took sight of her now slightly hairy stomach moving closer to and further away from him with each movement. He could feel the length and girth of the rock hard organ in his mouth, and he could feel the pulsing it made with each stroke back and forth. Mollie could feel her body tensing up again, and thanks to their earlier activity, knew what that meant.

‘Not yet!’ She thought to herself. She gave a really tight pull on the back of his head and felt her new cock slide out of Robert’s mouth with a satisfying popping noise. She could hear him gasping for breath and coughing slightly.

“I ‘Ave a better idea” she grinned, “get on ze bed”

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