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9. Seeing how it goes

8. Cheers for the swap

7. Fun with substitutes

6. A School Swap

5. Jon's Swaps: Mixing it Up

4. Mixing it Up

3. Jon's Handiwork.

2. Clothes Are Who You Are

1. You Are What You Wish

Bit close to home

on 2016-02-07 15:29:28

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The rest of the day at school passed fairly dully, and John resisted the urge to mess more.

He was waiting for Karen out by the athletics field when he spotted Steve 'The Stud' Farber and the new guy sloping off behind the bleachers, no doubt for a make out session.

Karen arrived and followed his eyes and muttered, "Gawd, he is such a slut! That's at least the second guy I've seen him with today." with obvious distaste. "So have you had any thoughts on how to help with these" she said brushing her new attributes. "I'm getting really tired of carting the extra weight around."

"Nothing yet, but i did wonder if we might not hit the Mall and check out the book store." John replied.

"And how is that going to help?" Karen asked

"Well as magic is real maybe, just maybe, some of those old stories and tales of genies and wishes may just have truth to them" he drawled "and if thats the case checking out how they dealt with stuff may just give us a hand"

"I'm stunned that's actually a good idea!"

"Thanks" john replied flatly as they headed off.

After about an hour or so deep in the mythology section of Barnes and Noble, Karen threw up her hands and said "Its no use I need food i can't concentrate. Can we please take a break."

"Sure, lets hit the food court"

As they headed out John just happened to gaze over at the bench by Blue Banana, where he spotted his sister Zoe and Miss Park. Zoe's hand was down the front of Miss Parks trousers and there lips were locked in a deep savage kiss. He had been dimly aware his sister had been going out with a guy at school but hadn't realized it had been Trevor,and now apparently that had also been swapped with Miss Park. It was completely irrational but John was angry at her for taking advantage of his little sister, she was an adult she shouldn't be messing with school girls. But even more worrying he was pretty turned on by it as well.

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