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8. Cheers for the swap

7. Fun with substitutes

6. A School Swap

5. Jon's Swaps: Mixing it Up

4. Mixing it Up

3. Jon's Handiwork.

2. Clothes Are Who You Are

1. You Are What You Wish

Seeing how it goes

on 2016-02-07 14:44:55

1941 hits, 120 views, 0 upvotes.

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Tiffany's class stumbled along to it's inevitable chaotic end, John had a break next and decided to study his handiwork up close.

"Excuse me Miss Saunders... sorry Tiffany" John corrected quickly "but do you need a hand with anything?"

"Oh! like that is so sweet of you, but no i'm good i just need to read my next classes notes better, it was like such a rush and junk this morning" she twittered. "You'd better get on."

With that John headed out to his study hall. On the way he passed Miss Park deep in conversation with a knot of other Goths, and the new guy in his Cheerleading outfit flirting with several of the football team, most of whom were trying to hide just how interested they were in 'his' attentions.

John sat down and got his stuff out and cracked on with work, he wasn't the worst student in the world, but to keep his grades as good as they were took a consistent effort so as much as he wanted to slack off he daredn't. He did at least keep an ear open, and was pleased to hear a few guys mutter about the hot new supply teacher Mr Blake and a few others giggling about how dumb 'Tiffany' was if she wanted to be treated as just another one of the guys.

At lunch Karen sought out John and hissed "Did you have anything to do with a load of the teachers falling ill?"

"What, no way!" he started.

"Its just weird that's all" She muttered. Now that she mentioned it, it was weird. He'd been so busy enjoying the situation that it just hadn't occurred to him to question it.

"But yeah i know what you mean." He replied. Then just because he couldn't resist it he asked "Have you noticed anything else odd at all?"

"Yeah there must be really low standards to become a supply teacher, I mean have you had the joy of Miss Saunders. I swear i could do a better job than her."

John sniggered "Yeah second period" They spent the rest of lunch just chatting and joking like normal.

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