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7. Fun with substitutes

6. A School Swap

5. Jon's Swaps: Mixing it Up

4. Mixing it Up

3. Jon's Handiwork.

2. Clothes Are Who You Are

1. You Are What You Wish

Cheers for the swap

on 2016-01-17 15:38:58

2283 hits, 144 views, 0 upvotes.

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John was exultant he'd pulled it off without a hitch, he'd swapped the substitute teacher with the wonderfully ditzy cheerleader Tiffany Saunders.

She was a simple uncomplicated girl who had three passions in life, fashion, cheerleading and as much casual sex with hot guys as she could get. He couldn't wait to see how it would play out.

"Uhm, Like Hi, I'm here to teach you English and stuff, as like you know Mrs Kowaleski's like really ill and stuff!" Tiffany burbled as she adjusted her tie, " My names Miss Saunders but like calling teachers by there surname is so passe, so please, uhm, call me Tiffany!"

John noticed that Tiffany was incapable of sounding professional and authoritative. Some of it was the upspeak that high rising tone as she neared the end of every sentence and some of it was just the way she stumbled along uhming, ahing and likeing.

The new guy headed towards a seat next to a couple of other cheerleaders and smoothed his skirt under him as he sat down as if it was the most natural thing to do. He was soon lost in conversation with the girls about gods alone knows what, as Tiffany desperately tried to get the class Started.

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