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3. Jon's Handiwork.

2. Clothes Are Who You Are

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's Handiwork.

on 2013-08-23 16:25:15

4591 hits, 217 views, 2 upvotes.

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First peering into the living room, Jon saw it was empty, but he could hear his mom in the kitchen humming a tune to herself. The first thing he noticed was that it was a song that HE recognized, it was currently in the charts instead of from the 80's.

"This I've gotta see!" Jon smirked, making his way into the kitchen. "Wow!!" he gasped, when he saw his mom stood cutting up the pizza that had arrived. She was now dressed in the very same clothes Megan had been wearing in the picture. Skin-tight jeans emphasized her full hips, and Jon had to admit she looked amazing in stiletto boots. "Oh hey babe! Ready to enjoy dinner?" his mom chirped, winking at him.

"Er... sure mom!" Jon responded, trying to stay calm. That attempt went out the window when his mom turned and Jon saw her breasts practically spilling out of the low-cut top she now wore.

"What?" his mom chuckled, before noticing he was staring at her boobs. "Now honey, a boy shouldn't have a crush on his own mom" she grinned. She then sashayed over to the table and put Jon's plate down in front of him, two pieces of pizza on it.

"I'm not really hungry!" Jon mumbled.

"You have to eat gorgeous" his mom smiled, caressing his neck. And with that, Jon started to feel uncomfortable. He wasn't even sure how this is how Megan behaved. That was the problem with switching his mom's clothes and personality with a celebrity. He forced the pizza down and made it through the rest of the night without really talking with his mom much more. Not that she would have heard him anyway, playing pop music and talking to one of her old boyfriends on the phone.

Jon decided to have an early night. He knew he couldn't wish his mom back to normal, and part of him regretted having made the swap in the first place. But he could deal with it. At least his mom's wardrobe was sexier than it used to be.


The next morning Jon awoke with a start, and he noticed he was holding the stone tight in his hand, and had been all night. "Hope I didn't do any sleep wishing" he joked to himself, as he got up and dressed for school. When he went downstairs for breakfast he was shocked to see his mom making pancakes wearing just a bikini top and a short black skirt and heels. "Morning sweetie, ready for class?" she asked him in a cheery mood.

"I'm never ready for class mom, it sucks!" was Jon's inevitable response.

Nonetheless, he ate breakfast and then left for school, stone in hand. He decided to walk instead of take the bus, and he wanted to 'experiment' on a few more people on the way.

Two of the people he saw were a couple, obviously good friends, a short blonde woman with stylish short hair, probably about 5' 2 and wearing a white halter top, a short denim skirt white high heel pumps. Her male companion was about 5' 11"' tall and wearing a black t-shirt, jeans and some brown hiking boots. Jon had seen them around before but didn't know them personally. He did know however that the woman worked at a beauty salon and the man worked as an assistant in a convenience store.

Jon wondered whether to do to them what he did to his mom and Megan Fox, or try something a little different this time?

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