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5. I had a life like Kevin (II)

4. Kevin gives Jon the Rock

3. The Next Day at School

2. Karen become Kevin

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon has a life like Kevin

on 2014-02-24 17:39:30

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At once, the wish's effects, both physically and mentally, were known. Jon suddenly became just as physically attractive a boy as Kevin. And that was not all. His head was now filled with new memories.

Jon suddenly remembered that he had once been a girl named Jen. Jen had always been a bit of a tomboy, and not all that popular with the 'in crowd'. There were times that she had wished she was as good-looking as the popular girls such as Sarah McMillan. But there were other times when she wished she was a boy.

And then Jen's grandfather had bequeathed her the wishing stone. She shared it with her friend Karyn, and the two of them wished themselves into boys. Now they were Jon and Kevin, seeing life on the other side of the gender fence. Kevin had already found himself an attractive girlfriend, though Jon had not yet been introduced to her and didn't know her name yet. Jon, meanwhile, was still looking but knew it wouldn't be long until he had a girlfriend too.

"Wow..." was all Jon could say for a moment as the memories came pouring into his mind.

He knew, of course, that this new past was the creation of the stone. But the memories of his other life as Jen felt so real. It was, Jon realized, how the stone interpreted his wish. In order for him to have a life like Kevin, he would have had to remember previously being a girl before becoming a handsome, popular boy.

The following day, Jon and Kevin both hung out with the popular crowd. Jon was introduced to Kevin's girlfriend Cindy Peterson, and spoke with Rebecca 'Becky' Fadil from the cheerleading squad.

Becky was a nice girl, as opposed to the arrogant rich girl Sarah McMillan. Also, Becky was not only physically attractive, but she was clever, funny, and had a great sense of humor. Within the week, Becky became Jon's new girlfriend.

A month passed as Jon and Kevin continued hanging out with the popular crowd at school. Jon continued dating Becky, and Kevin continued dating Cindy. All seemed right in the world for both of them.

The two of them sat in the same meeting area near the school where it had all began. "Have you made any more wishes since a month ago?" Kevin asked.

"No." Jon said. "I decided to just wait and see how things went, and so far everything's great. Becky and I are getting along fine, the in crowd respects us, and even Sarah and Biff aren't as bad as they were before."

"Yeah." Kevin said. "I'm just glad Sarah and Biff are dating each other. That means they won't try to get in our way."

"How's Cindy?" Jon asked.

"Cindy's wonderful." Kevin replied. "She's funny, charming, attractive. What's not to like? You know, if this works out, I think she and I might even ... never mind. It's too soon to say it, but it'd be awesome if it happened."

"Wow." Jon said. "So, you don't want to go back to who you were?"

"Nah." Kevin said, with a smile. "Why would I want to? I'm much happier now. It's as if I was meant to be Kevin all along. Everything's great now. I don't think I need any more wishes right now, either."

"You know what, neither do I." Jon said. "Looks like we finally lucked out. We chose just the right wishes. We made things better for ourselves without hurting anyone else in the process."

"Yeah." Kevin said. "And we've even become better friends as a result. We have even more in common than we did before."

There was a silence. "So, what are you going to do with the stone?" Kevin asked.

"I don't know." Jon said. "I suppose I should put it in a safe or something in my room, just in case we ever need it again for anything. I mean, my grandfather probably wouldn't want me to give it away or throw it in a lake just because I don't think I need it anymore."

"The question is, will we need it anymore?" Kevin said. "I mean, sure not everything is going to go our way, but we can still handle life the way most people do from now on."

"I don't know." Jon said. "It could be years before we might have need of it again, if we ever do."

And so time passed as Jon and Kevin continued to live their lives. Would they ever need the stone again? If the stone ever entered into their lives again, when would it? A month, a year, several years? Or would something happen to the stone in the meantime?

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