Nadine stood at a mirrored stall at a department store. Her face seemed wrong, why couldn't see remember her face? She closed her eyes. Brown eyes...or gray...or blue? Guys liked dark hair and blue eyes...why did she suddenly care what guys liked? She didn't, she hadn't before....She settled herself. She had blue eyes. She opened them blue, but as she closed them she felt them lose their color, only to regain it when she opened them again, she looked again. Still blue. She looked in the mirror. It was her face, but if her face as remembered by her, what she expected to see after having seen it a thousand times before, but with the failings of memory added in, was her nose always that long, her face that shape? It was her but something off about her at the same time, all she could see were imperfections. Sara was right.
This was Sara's fault. Nadine pictured the girl in her mind, the pretty blonde and her twin, they had it all and used it for evil. If Nadine was like them, she wouldn't be "like" them, she'd be better, pretty, but kind. She wouldn't let it change her. She looked at the mirror again and there stood herself, but pretty, all those things she saw wrong had smoothed and moved and plumped and shaped til Nadine looked like she had always wished she had. For a moment she wondered at herself, but then said, I don't look like this...and all her features suddenly vanished, fell right off her face, leaving a blank slate.
Then the door opened and as Nadine turned she felt a face again.
"Oh, sorry I'm looking for my little one." said the woman at the door.
Nadine caught a look at herself in the mirror, she looked young, about 10, no 6. She felt secure though in the glaze of the woman, set in her childhood by being seen as a child. She was what was expected of that stall, she became the child in it.