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11. Jon Tries to Ally With Them

10. Cybergoth Jessica, Prudish Tif

9. Karyn's Plan

8. Karyn Targets Sarah's Friends

7. Double-Cross

6. Popular

5. What Was The Setting?

4. Sarah Steals the Device

3. Personality Manipulator

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Personality Manipulator: Jon Tries to Ally with Them

on 2023-02-05 00:47:43

986 hits, 131 views, 1 upvotes.

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Jon ran up to them as soon as Karyn left. "Look..I know you don't like me, and maybe you are confused about what's going on...but...we can't let Karyn keep that thing and use it on more people."

He got a look from Melissa. "People do what they are gonna do," she said, shrugging. "Who cares what she does?"

"You do," he said. "Or you did...remember?"

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