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4. Forest Dare: The prank

3. The Forest Dare

2. Mixing it up on Halloween

1. You Are What You Wish

Midnight pranking

on 2012-05-15 19:40:58

2405 hits, 125 views, 2 upvotes.

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Zoe and Athena were asleep in their tent when Jon and Karyn were ready to pull their prank. They crept back to the van, and pulled out a coil of rope. Then they swung the rope over a strong branch that stretched above Zoe and Athena's tent. They quietly pulled the tent pegs out of the ground, and lashed the tent stays onto the dangling rope. Then they tied the rope to the top of the tent, where the poles crossed one another.

With everything ready, Jon and Karyn grabbed the other end of the rope and hauled as hard as they could, shouting "Aaah! Witches!! Aaah!". Zoe and Athena's tent bucked, lifted, and shook. Within moments, Zoe and Athena came barreling out of the tent, screaming. Jon and Karyn were on the opposite side of the tent, and laughed as the two girls fled into the woods in their pajamas.

Wiping tears from his eyes, Jon called out, trying to tell the girls it was just a prank. The girls didn't respond, and Karyn said "Let's go get them, Jon. They can't have gotten far."

Jon and Karyn set off after the girls, and caught up with them in a few minutes. They tried to explain that it was just a prank, but Athena was furious. "Don't you know better than to taunt the dark powers?!?" she spat.

Jon rolled his eyes, and said, "Let's head back to camp, you two. You should be wearing shoes if you're out in the woods at night."

The four headed back towards the camp. After a few minutes walk, Karyn said "We must have gone the wrong way - where is the camp?"

The group changed directions, but somehow they had become completely lost. Jon would have sworn that they were no more than a minute's walk away when they found Zoe and Athena, yet they couldn't find any sign of their campsite, the minivan, or even the road they had come in on.

Zoe and Athena, still in pajamas and bare feet, were complaining of the cold when Jon spotted something through the trees. He led them towards it, confident that it was the campsite, but he was mistaken. The four stepped out into a small clearing and saw what looked like a small cottage in a clearing. A faint flicker of light came through the windows, but the trees blocked what little moonlight there was, and the shadows were too dark to make out much detail.

"Well, it looks like someone's home," said Jon, hopefully, "maybe we can ask them for help."

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