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257. In Private

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255. Uncanny Gun

254. Final Tries

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252. First Try

251. The Upgrades

250. New Project

249. Domination

248. AEP Assault

247. Automaton

246. Assassination

245. Missions

244. Our PEAs

243. PEA Squad

242. 1st Unit

241. PEA Lab

240. A Division

239. Wise Man Inc.

238. Competition

Going to Dance

avatar on 2023-01-22 17:28:34

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With that being the case, it would be bad if they were scrappers or reprogrammers. It was Robin being prudent that let him tell me about this. If he had just gone off with them, who knows what would have happened? Now I was there to monitor the situation and make sure that Robin was safe. After we saw Jessica do her set, Robin got up. I looked up at him and asked "What's up!?" "Do you think we should go over and see if they want me to dance for them?" he asked me. I shrugged. It really did not matter to me at all. "If you are ready for it." I told him. Robin began to walk over. I got up and followed him to the guys that he was interested in. They rose when they saw that we were coming over to them. Obviously, they both were interested in having a private show at their house. "We'd love that. Come over, Robin!" said the one on the left. "If he goes over, I go too." I informed them. The one on the right sized me up. "I've seen you around a lot in the V.I.P area. You can come. How much would that cost though?" he said. Robin looked at me for an answer. He did not know the price of a dance.

I did not know the price either. My business was over in the cab depot. "Let's just say that it's free this time. Robin is not actually on the roster yet." They both smiled and the one on the right said "Works for us." Robin looked at us with enthusiasm. "Should we go there now!?" he asked. They guys nodded and led the way. We followed them to the rougher side of town. I was not scared because I knew that Robin and I could handle anything that they could throw at us. It was an apartment building. We had to go to the second floor. Once there, they let us in. "Welcome to our home." one of them said happily. As we entered, Robin tilted his head a bit and gasped. I asked him if something was wrong. He just shook his head furiously. "Nothing's wrong! I want to dance!" he said. I let it go. The others were looking at him too. We got let in the living room and were told to sit on the couch while they set things up. Lemonade was soon prepared for us to drink as the other brother brought speakers in. This was a red flag. Lemonade was an intoxicant to cyborgs. I hoped Robin could hold sugar water.

He drank a whole glass from the pitcher before getting in front of us. I took some to give it a taste. It was ridiculously sweet. "I guess it's time for the dances." one of the brothers said. They turned on the speaker and a deep bass filled the apartment. It was a hip hop song. "Let's let you warm up before we get to the main event." the other brother said. Robin nodded and tapped his foot to the beat. He looked to be in thought. I knew better. Cyborgs were not creative at all. He was probably searching for a routine that he could download and reproduce. When he found one, he began immediately. The moves were sharp and dynamic. It certainly looked like he was having fun with it. The next song was a bit faster. Robin had some popping and locking in the routine this time. I was entertained. The brothers were smiling and making some comments amongst themselves with the playful attitude you would expect siblings to have. It seemed to be going well until the end of the third song. Robin looked tired. I was concerned. He was a cyborg. Robin was not supposed to get tired. He ate at the club.

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