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34. This is Definitely Too Much

33. Biff Makes Another Friend

32. Biff Gets Freaked out by Neatn

31. Zelda and Biff

30. Things Happen

29. Hand Holding

28. A Glow

27. What's Your Name?

26. Consultation

25. The Noticer

24. Growth

23. The New Jon

22. Changes Unperceived

21. Karyn Turns a Corner

20. Friends

19. What Football Team?

18. Mostly Harmless

17. Karyn and Jon

16. Sarah Unnoticed

15. Biff Changes

Transmutation: This is Definitely Too Much

on 2023-01-22 01:39:33

1387 hits, 176 views, 2 upvotes.

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"Well, lead the way..." She said, smiling a bit. "Or maybe you'd better hold on to my case you trip again."

"It's not me....I'm usually pretty coordinated. It's these shoes...." Biff trailed off, looking down. He gasped. He was wearing heels. No wonder he had tripped. He leaned on Kyla, and pulled them off, examining them. Then realized one other thing. Without the heels....Kyla was taller than his was.

He dropped the heels and started to run again.

Kyla grabbed the shoes and hurried after him.

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