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238. Competition

237. Challenge

236. Status Quo

235. Confederacy

234. Complaints

233. Exiled

232. Impregnate

231. Trial Run 2

230. Trial Run

229. Foreplay

228. Stalling

227. The Fight 2

226. The Fight

225. Conflict

224. Downtime

223. Escaping

222. Penned In

221. The Rescue

220. Warning

219. New Magnetic

Volition Clan AEPs

avatar on 2023-01-19 07:05:18

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Finally having humans to abuse and dominate was something that they were designed to enjoy. The 3 of them were Conquerors after all. Why shy away from what they were programmed to do? The looks that they gave us were both smug and cruel. I would not be too surprised if they were going to try and injure- if not kill- us during the game. That was fine with Paul Brett and I, we had the health and the skills to be fine no matter what they threw at us. They only wild card was Mason. Even with him putting a lot of points in skills regarding to the sport of volleyball, there was no helping the fact he was still a squishy NPC. The vulgar looking young man might be able to play the game, but could Mason overcome all of the blatant malice of the cyborgs and get the victory with us? That remained to be seen. We got on the court and looked around for a bit. There were about a dozen or so humans watching us. The match soon started up and we had to concentrate. They were not opponents that you could relax against. Even with all the cheating that we were doing. They never got tired. We could.


However, as time went on, we were able to slowly pull ahead of them. They could not believe it and started getting serious. They also seriously tried had to blast the balls into our faces or groins. We were able to wise up to all those tactics and use them to our advantage. We won the game by a small margin. They were all beside themselves in frustration and shock. I made sure not to antagonize them so much. "With that out of the way. The answer is no. You cannot kill us or continue to hunt us down trying to make us die. We're leaving now." I said. We then left and got back in the van. Everyone was happy with the way things had turned out. I offered to pay for everyone to go to the nearest restaurant so we could get a meal together. Connie and Peyton really liked that idea. We did just that. They both wanted burgers and fries with lemonade. We let them have it. Mason wanted the spare ribs and fries. I just had some lemonade and a light salad. They others did not eat at all. They did get some soda though. Once we had finished eating, we continued our trip home. It was a good day.

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