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63. Dressing

62. Arrival

61. The Adults Live Their Separate

60. The New Outfit

59. The McMillan House

58. Walking Home

57. The Parents Have a Quiet Day

56. Lydia Shouldn't Be Alone

55. The Doctors Arrive

54. Buster's Wardrobe

53. Yuki

52. Introductions

51. Group Session

50. A Quick Breakfast

49. Heart of Ice

48. McMillan Heart to Hearts

47. Side Effects May Include

46. Karyn Wakes Up

45. DMU -Lydia’s breakfast

44. DMU - Day 2 begins

DMU-122 - Dressing

on 2023-01-17 23:40:02
Episode last modified by The Guest on 2023-06-26 22:22:07

1314 hits, 140 views, 4 upvotes.

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"That explains why these things have been riding up all day," Jon said.

"Probably," Simon said.

"I'd better go find something that fits..." Jon said.

Jon found himself back in his parents room trying to find the least feminine items in his mothers wardrobe. “Why do you have so many skirts, Mom?” He muttered to himself as he pushed aside another knee length item before finding a pair of jeans and slipped into them. The cut was not what he was used to, but at least it didn't feel tight. He went over to the mirror and started checking himself out, particularly his rear, wondering if it was the jeans, or had it grown?

At that moment Laura emerged from the ensuite bathroom with a towel wrapped around her chest, and another around her hair. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Nothing...I had to borrow something to go with your panties...I pants don't fit anymore."

"Well, don't let me stop you....none of my jeans would work well for me. I mean...I don't have to tell you how crotch space is very important all of the sudden."

He turned red. "Mom..."

"Come on now, sweetie...I don't think there is any reason for us to avoid talking about it."

He looked annoyed. "But... Laur...." he started, trailing off all of the sudden. His mom had just thrown her towel onto the bed whilst she pulled on a pair of his dad's boxers, and he got a full view of her somewhat impressive member. This was the first time he’d seen it properly in the light of day. He felt a slight tingle in his crotch, causing him to spin away quickly,

"I...guess I'd better get started on dinner," he said, hurrying out of the room.

Zoe was in the hallway. He tossed his old jeans to her. "They're all yours."

"Do you think I want to wear your dirty jeans?" She said, tossing them in the hamper. "At least you could suggest something clean."

"You're right. We'll do some laundry after dinner," he said.

"Don't you have a pair of shorts or something I can borrow until tomorrow?"

"Well, take anything in the drawers," he said.

"I'll go help Mikey find something. I saw how he kept tightening his belt all the way home. He was starting to look like he was wearing clown pants."

"Thank you,' Jon said.

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